Calendar does not close

Please, note as the example in the video that the user has to click outside the pop-up to close de calendar. As a funcionality, when you select a date, it should close with the field clompleted. It’s really bothering using calendar (date fields) in Tape.


Indeed, adding that, if the date field is set as period (end date), the third time a date is clicked will be changing the value of the first date!

Users sometimes click twice the second date, so they loose the data they had put into the first date.

It would be good if the calendar pop-up field would colapse once the date (or end date) is selected.


Good point Toni! I haven’t used with end date yet.


Hi @igor and @toni,

It seems that we might have introduced a regression with the recent performance optimization of the records.
The date overlay is unfortunately more complex than it initially appears, as it needs to handle required variants both with & without an end date and with & without time for the date field.

However, we will definitely provide an upgrade that resolves the issue.

Thanks again for the report!