[DONE] Due Date in Home/Focus Screen Is 1 Day Off from Actual Date in Record

I noticed that the due dates that show for items in my Home/Focus screen are one date off (behind) the actual due date field in the record. Anyone else have this issue?

Hey @joelhall !

Thanks for reporting this issue, im just looking into this.
For the focus entries whose date is off: Does their date origin from a checklist entry (checklist field) or a date field?

All the best,

Hi @Felix thank you. So it looks like the Checklist dates are correct but the date fields are showing a day off (one day in the past). Screenshot example attached.


@joelhall awesome work with the screenshot - this makes debugging much easier!
I just deployed a fix to this, could you please double-check whether the dates in your focus are correct now? Thank you!

Thank you @Felix. So it looks like Checklist items with a date and Reminders show correctly but the Record itself still shows a day being (in these screenshots I have all three set to tomorrow and the record shows in the Focus screen as Today vs Tomorrow).

@Felix , sorry found one other area where the day is offset by one day (in the past) and that is on excel import. Not sure if it’s tied to the issue from the community post below, but when importing from excel, the import wizard shows both the start and end dates as being off by a day compared to what’s in the excel sheet.

@joelhall yup, I fully understood the Issue you encounter. The problem is, that for some features, we wrongly apply your local timezone when returning date field values from our backend. We store dates in UTC, and need to apply the users timezone “on read”, to calculate the calendar day for date field values without that have no time information. I can reproduce the behavior and will notify you here you once the fix for your issue is live. Thanks for your patience!

All the best,

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The timezone issue for focus entries originating from records is fixed now!