Kanban view does not load all tiles

Often, not all tiles are loaded in the Kanban view. Would it be possible for Tape to load the “theoretically” visible tiles first?

:bug: The Kanban view has some additional bugs :bug:

  • The search sometimes does not find items that are displayed in the shown view.
  • Automations are sometimes only triggered in the detail view and not when moving the tile to another column.

I would appreciate feedback on this from the @TapeTeam, as these two issues, along with the ones mentioned above, are quite annoying in daily business.

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Hi @Roman,

the first issue is a known limitation of the current loading strategy, recognizing which cards are currently in the user’s view port is very time-consuming and error-prone as this depends on many influencing factors such as card size (displayed fields), zoom level, display size used, app title displayed, etc. A robust solution that takes all these points into account is currently not the highest priority on the roadmap due to the high effort involved.

Your problem seens to be mainly caused by exceeding the maximum board view limit of 300 cards as documented here. Maybe it is possible to adjust your filter so that 300 cards are not exceeded. Then all cards should always be displayed in your view.

We definitely need to understand the search issue so that we can fix it, do you have a video for us that shows which value is searched for and the card is not found? Does this only occur in the board view or also in other view layouts?

The issue with the automations seems very strange to me, we definitely need to understand it. Do you have a reproducible scenario for us on how this can be achieved? Basically, moving a card in the column triggers a field change, i.e. identical automation trigger scenario. However, the move in the column is optimistic on the client side, i.e. the message to the server arrives with a very short delay of around 500ms to 1.5 seconds. If someone moves back again during this time or moves the card one column further, this could possibly trigger the problem.

Best regards