I would like to share a filter view or individual records with an external partner. This should be done either via an automation or an API call.
I have a filtered view and would like to send it daily via email. How would you do that? There should be a button in the email that opens the corresponding view.
@TapeTeam any Idea?
Hi @Roman,
with our new permission upgrade, your use case should be able to be implemented.
First of all, we have not built any view permissions or view sharing. However, this should now be possible thanks to two new features.
Firstly, with the API endpoint to automatically share individual records or, for example, all records of a view with certain people. You can find the details of the new record endpoint here.
And secondly with the new “Content setting” in the share menu of an app, here you can easily set in a dropdown whether individually shared records should be displayed in the share section in the sidebar or in the app. The user only has access to the records shared with him, but can of course use the team views to display them. You can then put a static link to your favorite view in the email and everyone will only see the records shared with them.You can find the details of this feature here.
You can set for each person and each record or for all of them whether they can be changed, only commented on or only displayed.
Best regards
Hi Leo!
I tried to get this path of sharing single itens using API, but I guess I am not that familiar with the process…
Is there a way I can easily do it through Automations, for sharing single records with an email set on a related app (connected to the record by relation field)?
It would be very usefull if we had a simple script for that with instructions on what to change, or even a template that we could simply add to our workspaces in which this setting is already there… It would increase so much the using cases!
Hi @toni
I go through it in quite some detail here: Automating the new record share Permissions
It does what you want to do I think in that it gets the users email address from a related record.
I have done it on a batch of records as that is the trickiest.
If you get stuck on a specific part then let me know and we can work through it.
I have now added a guide to sharing a single record: Using automation to give a user share permisions
woah, yeah it looks like the situation!
will try it, will message / post here if I have troubles!
Thanks Jason, you’re