Address field doesn't pupulate addresses and not pulling up map

Address field doesn’t pupulate addresses and not pulling up map.

Tried restarting - but no luck so far. Is there anything with connecting with google

Hi @Ivica,

many thanks for the report. Could actually be an issue with the API to Google. We’ll check and get back to you with a fix.

Best regards

Works again

Thank you

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API for google maps broken again.


Experiencing the same here :frowning:

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Hi @ivica and @dirk_s,

sorry for the issue, this is not a bug, the problem was caused by an unusually high usage of the google maps API. We have currently a rate limit of 50k requests per hour, which was triggered 2 times in the last week. Presumably due to a migration with high data volumes.
After the hour where these limits were reached it worked again.
We will roll out a solution soon to fix the problem.

Best regards