Automations that worked, don't anymore

Hello, I made some automations with the information provided to me, the automations worked for 2 months perfectly and now they no longer work. I am not sure if there was an update or what may be going on.

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Hi @Jimena.carino,

thank you very much for the report, we really need to understand the problem - because if you don’t break anything yourself, you have to be able to rely 100% on your automations.

Can you please send me a screenshot of the automation and the error message if there is one? Which trigger was used? No field was changed or deleted or relations changed? In the past we had an issue with the on schedule trigger that with a rare combination of time zone and configuration at the first of the month the automation did not trigger and then stopped running, but we have fixed this issue in general.

That’s why it would be especially important for us to get the information, preferably also the url with screenshots then we have the automation ID and can look it up in the database.

Thanks and sorry for the issue