🟢 Can we enlarge the record window

Hi all,
I would like to know if we could enlarge the record window. While testing things for the calculation field, I noticed that sometimes, when you embed through iframes inside a calculation field the embedded info is kind of “too shrinked”. I also noticed that this is sad since we have lots of screen room (pc) for this popup to grow wider. I know we can set the width to the max of the iframe element, but I’m talking about the record popup itself. It would be great being able to enlarge it if necessary and don’t know if there is a way.


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Hi @R.J

there are indeed already concrete plans on the roadmap for a major upgrade of the record frame.
This includes a full page view, a side peek view and a centered view. Also the activtity bar will be collapsible. This will give you much more space for displaying iframes.
Since many responsiveness issues have to be taken into account for the record and all field types, we have to take a top-level look at this. Feel free to create a feature request so this can be voted up!
But maybe there is already a workaround that a community member comes up with.



Hi @Leo,
Thanks for your reply. It is nice to read that there are already plans in place to revamp these features. I am a bit confused because you said that there are “concrete plans on the roadmap” already and a “major upgrade” as well, but you also encouraged me to create a feature request. :sweat_smile:

Should I create it (more than happy to do it just asking) and/or were you saying this to encourage others to chime in?

It sounded as you already have these under active development at the moment but I’m not sure if I got that one right. I’m sorry if this generates any confusion. :smiley:


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Hi @R.J,

you’re welcome and I can fully understand that my words have confused you a bit. Sorry for that, I am so deep in our development processes that I often throw around terms without explaining the background🙃

If a feature is on the roadmap it means that we will definitely start developing it sooner or later. So with the status “On roadmap” we don’t have to evaluate if the feature makes sense and fits into the product strategy.
The prioritization of when to develop something on our feature roadmap is however fully opportunity and community driven. So on the one hand through upvotes in the community as well as through personal feedback from our partners and users and of course especially through potential new customers who are blocked by a missing feature and who can then migrate to us when this feature is developed.

Therefore, you should definitely make a feature request, or we will change this thread into a feature request. So that the priority can be increased by upvotes.


Hi @Leo,
Thanks a lot for your explanations. My bad, I can now see what you meant. I also created the feature request as suggested. All your extras on top of the enlargement are amazing, and we could maybe add some additional minor adjustments when/if this goes under active development.

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