Thank you so much for reporting this issue. It’s possible that we introduced a regression, as we rolled out a change to the logic for filling empty date groups earlier this week.
Normally, we can identify the root cause from our logs. However, it would still be helpful if you could share a screenshot of the error message from the console. You can find it by opening the developer tools with F12 and navigating to the console tab while the endless loading spinner is visible.
We will provide a fix as soon as possible and keep you updated on our progress.
Apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you again for your support!
Thank you very much for your support! This is exactly the information we needed. It’s now clear that we are dealing with a server issue, which our backend specialist Felix will be diving into for a deeper analysis and working towards a fix.
If he requires access, I am happy to share mine, provided that’s acceptable. As a member of our DEV team, Felix is, of course, fully compliant with all data protection and confidentiality policies.
Once again, thank you so much for your assistance!