[DONE] Calculation fields are allowed to trigger automations, but don't do it?

Update: I had selected a wrong field in a second condition. After fixing it, the trigger works just fine. Sorry.

I have defined a calculated field as trigger for an automation. Is it possible, that a recalculation of a field doesn’t work as trigger?

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Hey Dirk, thanks for reporting this issue. It is possible to have a calculation field as the trigger for an automation, we will investigate why this is currently not working.

However, if you do NOT want a calculation field to trigger you automation, you can simply use the “has changed” filter to specify the fields which should trigger your automation :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry @Ben I found my mistake. Its working just fine!

Thanks for the quick solution, I just checked and I am happy to report that calculation field changes trigger automations as expected, just to make sure :wink: