Hi Luis,
I think your automation would work if you would have only one check to complete.
But in this case I think you need to first create array of checklists, script filter where you also need previous value to be incomplete, similar to what Jason did here.
// ##### ---- Variables ---- #####
const current = jsonata('$[completed=true].title').evaluate(app_one_field_checklist_complete_iterable);
const previous = jsonata('$[completed=true].title').evaluate(app_one_field_checklist_complete_iterable_previous_value);
// ##### ---- Find the items in that are new ---- #####
const difference = !!previous ? current.filter(item => !previous.includes(item)): current;
var_checklist = difference;
This question came at a perfect time for me as someone I am coaching came up with what I think was a really good way of using checklist items but they hadn’t quite got it working and I had said I would take a look at it. This should give them the answer to their ‘homework’