[DONE] Checklist Add Comment after Completed

I’m trying to create an automation that adds a comment whenever a checklist item is completed. I thought the automation would be something like this:

However, that automation gives me this result:

I was expecting the comment to output, Testing 1 completed on 2024-08-30 11:58:12

What am I doing wrong?


Hi Luis,
I think your automation would work if you would have only one check to complete.
But in this case I think you need to first create array of checklists, script filter where you also need previous value to be incomplete, similar to what Jason did here.

Hope this helps.


Hi Luis

I know I sent you some pointers on this yesterday but I have a bit more time this morning so a more full explanation follows :slight_smile:

I think what you are trying to do is:
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which I have done by getting the previous values and the current and then comparing the two to find the new:


// ##### ---- Variables ---- #####
const current = jsonata('$[completed=true].title').evaluate(app_one_field_checklist_complete_iterable);
const previous = jsonata('$[completed=true].title').evaluate(app_one_field_checklist_complete_iterable_previous_value);

// ##### ---- Find the items in that are new ---- #####
const difference = !!previous ? current.filter(item => !previous.includes(item)): current;

var_checklist = difference;

This question came at a perfect time for me as someone I am coaching came up with what I think was a really good way of using checklist items but they hadn’t quite got it working and I had said I would take a look at it. This should give them the answer to their ‘homework’ :wink:


Thanks, Jason. That worked perfectly.