[DONE] Dashboard Save Problem

Tried to rearrange a widget and get this:

Its 9 charts - too many?

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I ran into that same issue. I have no idea what was causing it.

  • I created the dashboard as soon as they came to beta
  • I slowly added modules as they became available
  • I had most of the modules grouped inside of boxes

The way I resolved the issue was, creating a new dashboard, selecting everything and copying it, pasting it into the new dashboard. Not sure why, but this was an immediate solution for me. It’s been about 2-3 weeks since I did that and I have not had any issues since.


Thanks @1F2Ns … as its happening repeatedly - I can recreate it - I offer @Tim to have a look into it in our installation, if it helps?


Hi @dirk_s and @1F2Ns,

thanks for the report @dirk_s, this warning is a security mechanism that indicates that you have detected an operation / data constellation that could bring the dashboard data structure out of sync, therefore this operation is prevented.
During the beta phase there were still some of these issues that also affected @1F2Ns, but I haven’t discovered an inconsistency issue myself for 6 months.

That’s why it’s great that you have discovered a reproducible one Dirk, hopefully even the last of this kind, would be really great if we could analyze the issue with you so that it can be fixed.
I’ll get in touch with you for a call.

Thanks again and best regards

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Thanks - it seems to be fixed now. Thanks!

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Did you do anything different to resolve it?

@1F2Ns thankfully @dirk_s gave us access and we were able to fix the problem as it was reproducible.

So if you get such an issue again, please let us know!


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