[DONE] Dashboards - Issue with Date Display on Dashboard Graphs (X-Axis)


I’ve noticed an issue with the date display on the dashboard graphs. When I create a chart using the “day” value on the X-axis, the displayed date is D-1. For example, today’s date, September 5th, is shown as September 4th on the graph (see attached image).

Interestingly, I’ve observed that actions created after 9 PM (Brasília time) reflect the correct date.

Could you please assist in resolving this issue?
It’s very important to adjust this to make TAPE more commercial.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


Hi @agnes.farias,

thank you very much for the report and I am very happy to see what beautiful dashboards you have built for your team :100:

We will definitely fix this issue! This is very likely to be a time zone issue, which happens to us every now and then with new features that perform date calculations or filters, as this area is unfortunately very complex. But with the help of our community we will get this definitely 100% bug free before we leave the beta phase.

We will get back to you here with the fix or if we need more information from you.

Best regards


Thanks for bringing up your issue (and for sharing that sophisticated reporting dashboard - nice!).

After @Felix was luckily able to resolve this quickly, we just deployed a fix - indeed, the timezone was not properly applied to reports with daily grouping. Kindly confirm that this works properly now on your end @agnes.farias?

Cheers &
Keep those dashboards coming :partying_face:


Thanks @Tim ! Dashboards are showing the correct date now.
Also thanks for the compliments regarding the appearance of my dashboards, I appreciate!! This new feature is helping my company a lot.

But in the same matter, my views grouped by date - more specifically by day - are also showing D-1. i.e.:
(Date format is DD/MM/YYYY).

The dates in this view are supposed to be 04/09, 16/09, 20/09 and 30/09.


Hi @agnes.farias,

we are very pleased to hear that your time zone issue in the reports has now been resolved!

We are sorry to hear that the same issue still exists in the views! We will also take care of it and get back to you when the problem is fixed.

Best regards

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Hi @agnes.farias ,
I just deployed a fix that should solve your observed timezone bug in the views.
Could you please confirm whether the issue is solved or still persists?

All the best,


The issue is solved! Thank you very much.


I have another matter on this issue.

This is a calculated field that is supposed to display a date field from another app. But the displayed date is D-1 for some reason. This is the date field with the original date:

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Oi Agnes!
Isso está relacionado com um bug que eu tive recentemente nos dashboards, pode ter relação com o fuso horário.
Entendo que é o mesmo assunto do tópico original, talvez um teste interessante é vc definir um horário no campo de data horiginal - por exemplo, 12:00, e ir mexendo nesses horários pra ver como o campo calculado se comporta.

This is still the timezone issue in my opinion.
We noticed it happening a lot in our implementations here in Brazil.
Pls Tape team, we can deal with no PT-BR language (even though it makes new clients hard to come) but this timezone issue for dates really messes up our data.