[DONE] Date triggered flow not running as expected

  • Set up a date trigger to run @ 12am EST yesterday
  • Noticed it did not run today.
  • Ran it manually for troubleshooting
  • Then it ran on its own
  • No one was inside the Tape hours before or after it was scheduled to run

Any thought’s?


Hi John,

thanks for the report and sorry for the issue
@felix looked at our reporting tool and there was indeed a problem with your date trigger.
We are currently integrating a system wide caching and he suspects that we caused this ourselves.
I’ll get back to you when we have all the details.

Thanks again for the quick report!


No worries or rush.
After we sort this out I will create a post to publish my workspace.

It is the solution to Podio native tasks.

  • task app
  • recurring task app

Really great that you are working on a solution for the Podio native tasks @1F2Ns! Think you will make many people very happy! :100:

We have today again checked everything in detail and reproduced in the logs. It was as already suspected human error, we have unfortunately introduced a regression in the rollout of the cache in the date trigger queue which led to a pause of the next execution time in your flow.
But it’s all fixed now and we have now also integrated an automated test for this so that this can no longer happen in the future.

Sorry again but now everything should run robust and reliable as usual!



Hey Leo, I just noticed that this is set to run at 12AM and it is running at 11AM EST.

Is this expected?
Should this be in my timezone?

I would like this to run at the start of the day, just after midnight.

CC @Felix

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Hi @1F2Ns,

thank you very much for the report! As you suspected, this is not expected. Should run exactly at 12AM as you set.
I suspect the cause is an issue with the daylight saving time (DST) changeover as it is exactly 1 hour.
We will analyze in detail and get back to you with the solution progress!

Thanks again for reporting this to us

After looking further into this on my end I think that I have two different items with similar names and that I confused the automation triggering them. The notification I say was on my phone so I will have to wait until tomorrow for it again but I am mostly positive that this was a human error on my end. I will update after I confirm this.

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I can confirm that this was a user error on my end.
I had two items with the same name -oops.

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