[DONE] DELETED an app but the automation kept running

I accdently deleted an App but configured de automation to always run, and now everything is chocked up. I can’t even delete the automations or restore de app.

For clarification, you deleted an app while an automation was running and the automation is still continuing to run even after the app was deleted? Correct?

  • If so, how much time has passed since deleting the app?
  • What was the automation trigger? Date/time?
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@matheuscarvalho we just double checked the current implementation, and when an app is deleted all workflow automations will be deleted as well which prevents them from further execution - that should be true for all trigger types.

We also checked our logs and could not find any inconsistencies in that regard.

Could you double check again, and reach out to us directly if you still run into any issues here?

Thanks in advance for further info / clarification. :eyes:


Hello Tim, thanks for your response!
But what if the automations is still running when I delete the app. U think that was what happen. Cus i checked one of mine automation clicking on the “automation runs” and found one that was executing but when i clicked it to delete it show nothing, like as if it was blank an with no title. Eventually it unclaugh by itself. What can I send to you to help the investigation?

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I was just chatting with my team leader, and he said some interesting things. We think that as the flow is conected with AWS when we cancel de app it has already sent the flows to it. We observed that when we deleted the app it does not cancel the flows nor ideleted them. We had to wait for them to finish. Idk what kind of problem happen. Sorry I could not be more helpful

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@matheuscarvalho thanks for sharing the follow details here - I will make sure to double check that currently executed workflow automation runs are also cancelled when an app is deleted. That seems like an edge case, but could be important in some situations.

Thanks for your input & happy weekend :sun_with_face:
