[DONE] Importing Multi line text - <UL><LI> text block stripped

Try to import HTML into multi line text. Tapeapp backend stripped all


blocks; any text enclosed in UL was removed from the multi line text field.


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Hi @andyG,

thank you very much for the report and sorry for the issue. We are looking into the problem in detail and will keep you updated here with the solution progress!


Mr. @andyG,

Your bug report is correct, Tape does strip out HTML tags on import to a multi-line text field. I investigated your issue and it seems to be due to newlines (\n) inside the imported cell value.

If all newlines are removed (they are ignored inside HTML anyways), the import works as expected.
I am working on a fix where we automatically transform newlines into <br /> on import.

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I stripped off “\n | \r” got the same result. The UL block is still dropped. H2, P tags are fine. Here is example input.

<p>Here would be the feature and pages of the site:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Home</strong> : will be the central main landing page and will feature your most recently published book, upcoming events, links to the other places on your website, and provide a way for your followers to engage (sign up to get a free chapter of the book, sign up to your email newsletter, etc.).</li> <li><strong>Books</strong> : will be the hub for finding all your books and links to where they can be purchased. </li> <li><strong>About</strong> : will be where to go to find out more about you as the author.</li> <li><strong>Speaking</strong> : will allow someone to request you to speak to their organization. We can showcase your podcast interviews here, to promote that you are a guest podcaster.</li> <li><strong>Media:</strong> will be where we can feature videos, podcast interviews, blog articles, published articles about your books, etc.</li> <li><strong>Contact:</strong> will link to where your public can follow you and to get in touch with you to schedule book signings, etc.</li> </ul> <p>We recommend forwarding your individual book titles to link into your Books page.</p>

Hi @andyG

quick update, Ben is currently developing a conversion module that can handle your HTML, making the import of HTML and markdown in general more robust. We will write you here with the solution progress!


Hi @andyG,

we have now rolled out the HTML transformation for our import. Can you please double check again if it works for you as expected for your data?


Hi, Last week per the post, I have tested using Import and API, both has the same issue.

I just submit API update and the problem is still there. The parsing logic failed when there are spaces between HTML END-TAGS. You can try test using below. It will work if the spaces between > and < are removed ; then the <UL> block will show up.

<p>Here would be the feature and pages of the site:</p>    <ul>      <li> <strong>Home</strong> : will be the central main landing page and will feature your most recently published          book, upcoming events, links to the other places on your website, and provide a way for your followers to engage          (sign up to get a free chapter of the book, sign up to your email newsletter, etc.).</li>      <li> <strong>Books</strong> : will be the hub for finding all your books and links to where they can be purchased.      </li>      <li><strong>About</strong> : will be where to go to find out more about you as the author.</li>      <li><strong>Speaking</strong> : will allow someone to request you to speak to their organization. We can showcase          your podcast interviews here, to promote that you are a guest podcaster.</li>      <li><strong>Media:</strong> will be where we can feature videos, podcast interviews, blog articles, published          articles about your books, etc.</li>      <li><strong>Contact:</strong> will link to where your public can follow you and to get in touch with you to schedule          book signings, etc.</li>  </ul>  <p>We recommend forwarding your individual book titles to link into your Books page.</p>  <h2 id='costd3500'>Cost: $3500</h2>

Hi @andyG,

we worked again on your issue today. Unfortunately, each HTML editor has its own issues that need to be dealt with.
We just optimized the import using your example HTML.

The last Issue you detected was not a parsing problem but a styling issue of the rich text editor in handling spaces. Here is the result of importing your example HTML.

Tape Record Multiple Line Text Field via Import:

Tape Automations via Paste source code:

The missing vertical space (margin) between the headline is a special styling property of the rich text editor as you can see because both editors are based on the same HTML. In the bottom one, an export of the previously imported data from Tape.

The import should now give the desired result. If you need the HTML parsin also in the API then please let us know as we need to provide a flag so that a user can enable or disable it to exclude regressions on existing integrations.

Can you please check again and get back to us if it works now as in your test data?

Best regards

Hi @andyG,

short update, we had to disable the styling temporarily because it caused a problem when entering comments and chat messages on older windows computers. But will re-enable in the next 3-4 hours, so that the import is displayed as in yesterday’s screenshot of me.

I’ll let you know when it’s enabled again.
