[DONE] Reference titles don't get refreshed

Hi there,
we experienced it in at least two different instances the last days, that reference titles didn’t get refreshed. Only when manually opened (see screenshot). I would expect, the titles should instantly show up or update automatically once they are finished. This happens for calculated titles or titles that are a reference field to another record.


Hi @dirk_s,

thanks for the report. We have optimized the live fetching features over the last few days, so I suspect that we have caused this ourselves.

Get back to you with updates on the fix.

Best regards

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Hi @dirk_s,

thanks for sharing your issue! Could you elaborate in what scenarios this bug occurs? Are the three “Untitled” records from the screenshot newly created ones? Or does this also happen with existing records?

On first attempt, we weren’t able to reproduce the issue on our end.

Thank you in advance

actually the situation is still there:

If you like I can invite you for a live session. That are no magic applications. Even with very little fields involved. The titles of the referenced records are also referenced records.

When I manually open that linked record, the title afterwards shows up. I still have 2 records left to check with you :wink:

I created a new record and was able to recreate the issue.

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Thanks for sharing Dirk! OK, we will go back and try reproduction - with those details now it should be possible. Will keep you posted!


I created a new “Subunternehmer”. Added it to the initial record. It showed up. Potentially meanwhile some temporary problem with the “Subunternehmer” records?

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What is the recursion depth of your related titles? We do enforce a max recursion depth of 3 (which I just tested and works).

Could you share the structure of all involved apps, and where the original name (the company name in your example) is located?

“Auftragsverarbeitung” - (outbound relationship field “Subunternehmer”) → “Subcontractor” (title field is outbound relationship field) → “Company”- Field Name (text field) …


Hi @dirk_s,

would you have time for a short live session today?
Despite several tests, we were unable to reproduce the issue.
The quickest way would actually be to test directly in your structure.

Best regards

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Hi Leo,
please reach out to me via teams, whenever it fits. Maybe I’m online at the same time :wink:

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Great, its now working. Thanks for the quick fix.