[DONE] Search - filter vs. automation

Hi there,
there seems to be an issue with search vs. filtering?

This is a filter with 1709 results:


However, the automation finds zero. What could be the issue?


@Leo I tested it right now - its still the case. Filter has a correct number - same thing as automation returns 0 results.


Many thanks for the update @dirk_s, the error is completely reproducible, we are investigating the cause and proving a fix and will report back here when we have fixed the problem.

Best regards

Thanks for being persistent @dirk_s - this was indeed a bug on our end. Fix is incoming and likely to be deployed tomorrow morning - will hit you up once you could recheck on your end.

Appreciate your patience &

EDIT: Fix is live - kindly review on your end that the filter works as expected now. :rocket:

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