[DONE] Unable to customise Status field type

I’ve been unable to Save a customisation of the Status field. Changing only a colour of status for e.g. results in not being able to save the new settings. Interestingly, changing back to the default settings results in the save button working.

Please can the Tape team fix this bug?

Many thanks.

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Hey, welcome to the community :tada:

For the status field, you’re going to need to check one of the little circles to the right of the status so that it has a checkmark (completed status)

Here’s a link because I’m on my phone.

This is one of my favorite fields in Tape!


Hi @ph4wks - first of all a very warm welcome to the great Tape community! :tada: :100: :blue_heart:
We are really happy that you are here!

Have you already been able to solve the problem with the fast support of our partner @1F2Ns?
As @1F2Ns has already described, you have to select for each status whether this status means completed or not, which is used by some features to recognize whether a record is completed or not.

Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the bug you described right away. If you continue to have issues, it would be great if you could share a short video with us, then we can better analyze and understand if there is a bug and how to fix it.

Best regards

Thank you both.

Planning to try this tonight. I didn’t notice this before as i was only changing the colour of the three standard statuses.

Hopefully it’ll be fine when i find this check box.

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thanks that’s all sorted.

i think what has happened here is that when adding a blank app and changing the view from table to board the app creates a standard Status field automatically. at this stage none of the fields are set to ‘Complete’. when i then go in and edit that field i can go in and out without saving with no issues as long as i don’t change any settings. if i change any setting (other than setting at least one of the fields to Complete) i can click save but the dialogue box stays and the save button changes from black to grey. there are no error messages.

I can try to recreate this in testing if that’s easier.

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Many thanks for the insights, it could indeed be that such an inconsistent state can be created in this way. Then definitely a bug on our side! We will check and get back to you.

Thanks again for the report

Hi @ph4wks and @1F2Ns,

we were able to fix the issue. The problem always occurred when you selected the board view directly when creating an app and the status field was created as a result. So very close to your assumption.

Thanks again for the report!
