[DONE] When a new field is created and the field name isn't in english, the field external id is _

when I create a new field and the field name is in a foreign language (I tried with both Hebrew and Arabic, but probably same in other languages), the field external id is _ which then is incremented with 2 underscores, 3 underscores, etc.

one workaround can be to use a transliterate service that will give the field a similar name in English, or give an option to also name the external-id of the field when its created (instead of creating it and then coming back and renaming it)

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Hi @shir,

thanks for reporting this. It seems, so far only english and german were properly handled, all other non-latin characters yield rather useless results as you have pointed out.

Let me fix this for you, will keep you posted and report here once the fix is live.

Cheers & thank you for your patience

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we just deployed an update to Tape that should resolve the reported issue for app slugs. I just verified that slugs are now properly generated even for non-latin character app names. Newly generated apps should work fine for you now.

Kindly recheck and let me know if things work for you now! :slight_smile:

If that works well for you, I will also roll it out to field external_ids.

Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.


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I just tested it and it works perfectly. Amazing! :ok_hand:

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@shir thanks for your quick feedback. Will roll this out to external_ids asap then and let you know here once it is live.

Thanks for your support! :tada:



Update: We just ran another deployment :train2:

@shir, field slugs (external_ids) now also make use of the transliteration - this should resolve your issue fully now. :sunglasses:

Let me know if you have any more questions regarding this topic.

Thank you for your support &
Happy building

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 10.01.31

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Thanks for the quick fix! I would say that the specific example you brought was not the best transliteration I saw (its actually ivrit), but its enough for programming purposes and I am amazed how quickly the issue was resolved.


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@shir happy to hear - and sorry for the bad example. :innocent:

Let me know if you notice anything else in that regard.
