Duplicate Console.logs

Not a major one but every so often I get duplicate console entries:

This script has failed but I don’t think a failing script is a pre-requisite for this happening.


I get this sometimes. I wonder if it has to do with the “Manual Run”. Does it happen in the regular Run?

Thanks for your report @Jason - we were not able to reproduce this on our end.

Did the logs persist, also after refreshing your browser and accessing the run history again? Or were they only shown multiple times temporarily?

In order to investigate and potentially resolve this, we would need a way to reproduce that issue. :innocent:

Thanks in advance

Hi Tim

They occur every so often normally only once in other words when the workflow is rerun they display as expected.

I think as Luis says it most likely only occurs when using manual run but that could also just be because that’s when one is looking at the logs.

If I manage to pin down more I will let you know