Editing one record after each other... stops after the second

Picking up a record allows you to β€œ<-” go to the predecessor or successor β€œ->” easily.
However, if you start editing a field, the arrows will be gone after editing the second record. You can’t jump to the third record anymore.

You need to close the second edited record. (Its now the last entry in the list.)

And then restart.

Mhm, not sure I can reliably recreate it. It seems to be connected with the order of the table. Another trial now succeeded. But I was able to run into this problem before easily.

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Thanks for sharing @dirk_s. I would need a way how this is reproducable - also a video would help. If you can provide more info this will become actionable for us and we can hopefully resolve the issue.


I know :slight_smile:

Just experienced it again. The arrows get lost, when the table in the background somehow gets an update. I saw the lines moving, then the arrows disappeared in the background. It seems also to be closely related to the lazy loading of tables (which also sometime take a bit longer than expected).