How to retrieve information from a database with Tape?

Hello everyone!
I need to retrieve records from a PostgreSQL database to complement the information needed for a process.
Has anyone ever needed something similar? If you could provide guidance on the situation I would greatly appreciate it!

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Hi @joao.matheus

It is definitely possible to do but how to do it will depend on a huge range of factors. I am happy to try and guide you but will need a lot more information before I could do so.

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firstly thanks for the help
We are looking for a way to make this Tape - Database connection without having to spend a large amount of time building a routine for loading this data using hard code.
If possible, we are looking for something similar to webhooks, API or, ultimately, some paid tool to make this communication simpler and more scalable.

These two links, have a fair bit of information via links to other posts on the subject:

Tape can send and receive data via Webhook in an automation/Workflow it can send notifications of change/create etc via Webhook and it has an API so you can Get and Post via that.

Which one or combination of them depends on your end where the database is hosted one of the reasons I like Mongo Atlas is the built-in API and the ability to receive data from Tape via Webhook.

Hopefully, some of that helps but without far more detailed information about your DB setup (which you understandably may not want to give on an open forum), I am not sure I can give you more precise information.

I would be happy to have a more detailed conversation with you if you would like to reach out via DM.