Item templates and required fields

I have a lot of templates that I am building across multiple items.

Currently, I have to turn off all required fields, make my templates, and then set the needed required fields.

Any chance required fields can be ignored when creating templates?

Example App:

  • Name field (required)
  • Quantity field (required)

Creating a template that prefills the Name field.
As is, you must also define the Quantity field in the template or turn off required and then turn it back on after creating your template(s).

Even is this is not permanent, it would be a huge time saver for me for the next few weeks :pray:

Hi @1f2ns,

thanks a lot for this feature request!
That looks like a regression to me though. The required fields should already be ignored when creating templates.

I’ll take care of it and get back to you with the progress of the fix.


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Thanks for looking into this.

Also, I’ll toss this out there because a boy can dream :rofl:
It would be neat if hidden fields were shown when creating a template so you can predefine them and update them as needed.

If I remember correctly, if we predefine a field, and then it is updated to hidden, templates will still prefill the hidden field. This new approach would help with overall UX by eliminating the need to uncheck/check field visibility when they need to be defined/redefined.

Use case 1

Item with a product manager.
The field is hidden so it cannot be altered.
When creating a new template you can see the field and add a value. (Maybe the field is show at 50% opacity to notate it’s hidden on the front end)

Use case 2
Setting the material cost for an item that you do not want people to see/edit.

Use case 3
All prefilled fields are hidden and called in a calculation field to create ‘read only’ items.


Your dreams are very valuable suggestions for improvement @1F2Ns! :100:
We will check the idea in detail. I also see many advantages. We would just have to check the overall strategy of always hidden fields and permissions, as this would also allow non-admins to easily see the always hidden fields when creating private templates. But this is indeed already possible with the views.

Thanks again for the great suggestion!


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