Hello Tape Community,
@Jason and I are happy to start the first 2025 Tape Partners webinar with the topic:
Mastering Productivity with Tape Focus and Task App
Thursday January 30, 2025, 13:00 GMT+0
Sign up here: https://weblink.tapeapp.com/trigger/3511e532-a0e8-4ef9-a23c-fa2861170a98
Webinar Description:
Join us for an interactive session exploring how Tape Focus and custom Task App can transform how you manage tasks and structure your workday. This open discussion invites you to share your tasks and time management strategies while learning from others to refine your approach.
I will start the webinar by showcasing a personal task app I created to organize my day (using the Pomodoro technique).
If you would like to share your task app or time management strategies, please feel free to contact me to add you to the webinar schedule.
This webinar aims to exchange ideas and improve our tasks apps or time management approach. I’m interested in seeing how other users manage tasks using Tape, especially if you work with large teams.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Jason and Luis