Location field on mobile should open up app, not browser

With the iPhone app for Tape, when you click on a location field the address opens up in a browser instead of the default mapping app (e.g. Apple Maps, Google Maps).

Field users of the mobile app will want to be able to get turn-by-turn directions to locations stored in Tape records. To do so, opening up the address in Apple or Google Maps will yield a much better user experience.

Hi @bcarovano,

well spotted - I do agree this is not ideal. Let us fix this for you asap, will keep you posted here.

Thanks for reporting this - and also welcome to the Tape community! :tada:


EDIT: I went back and tried to reproduce this issue, but on my phone (iPhone 12 mini with iOS 16.6) it opens up Google Maps without issues. See the attached video.

Do you have Google Maps installed, and are you using an iPhone or an Android device? It would be great if you could share more info, so we can look into this and resolve the issue.

Thank you in advance! :pray:

I checked on my phone (android) and it also opens up google maps app.
Just a note, its impossible to find the Tape app directly on the google play store, I had to look for the link on the site first in order to find it

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