Potential Relation bug when creating new items

I will try to explain this the best I can in a simplified way to keep things short and easy to follow.
I have three apps

  • Estimate
  • Product (only created from Estimate app related field)
  • Art brief (only created from Product app related field)

Without art brief

Estimate has a ‘related’ field where we create a new product
Estimate → new product

  1. start new Estimate
  2. new Product from ‘related’ in Estimate
  3. save
  4. newly created item IS attached to Estimate
  5. continue

With art brief

However, the issue I have found is when we go a step further and create a new Art Brief from the Product we are crating

Estimate has a ‘related’ field where we create a new Product
Product has a ‘related’ field where we create a new Art Brief
Estimate → new Product → new Art Brief

  1. start new Estimate
  2. new Product from ‘related’ in Estimate
    1. new Art Brief from ‘related’ in Product
    2. save
    3. newly created item IS attached to Product
  3. save
  4. newly created item is NOT attached to Estimate
  5. continue

  • We are able to search for the newly created Product and select it from the Estimate field.
  • This is intermittent, sometimes the product attaches to the estimate when it has an Art Brief // sometimes not
  • I can replicate this in a video if needed

Ideally I would like items created from ‘related’ fields to always be added to the related related field on save.

Please let me know if this you need clarity.


Hi @1F2Ns,

many thanks for the report and the detailed documentation so that we can quickly understand the problem.

We will take care of the issue and I will get back to you here with updates on the solution progress.

Thanks again

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@1F2Ns I am currently looking into this. On first attempt, I was not able to reproduce the issue and creating with “depth” = 2 as described by you seems to work well, even when trying repetitively.

Did you make this a “Single relation” by setting the switcher “Only allow one related record”?

It might be helpful if you could indeed create a reproduction video. This way I will hopefully be able to reproduce and (more importantly) fix the issue. :eyes:

Thanks for your patience and also for your effort in advance :pray:

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I am sending you a message with a video.
I was able to replicate it on my first try.

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