⚪ Prevent guests from being able to delete items

Whether by accident or if a client has a disgruntled employee, I can see having guests be able to delete items leading to problems potentially. It would be a cool safeguard if we could choose to turn off guests being able to delete records in specific apps.

Hi @DB_Looper,

thank you very much for your feature request! I completely agree with you, this is definitely a problem in daily business.
We are currently thinking about different ways to solve this. The favorite is currently a workspace trash in which a workspace admin can restore deleted records within 30 days. But preventing this could also make sense.

If you already need a solution for specific users, you can build it yourself with the automations and the “When a record is deleted” trigger and the “Restore the current record” action.

Thanks again!


Trash would be a nice failsafe to have. Especially for accidental deletion by admins or 3rd party consultants.

Secondly, I had no iaea that there was a “restore” ability in automations. Pretty neat!


Is it possible that the trash function already exists in the API?