Selecting Linked Data from an HTML Table with using a choice field for efficient Processing

in this case Invoices are submitted via APIs that include additional linked data, such as supplier IBANs. A common requirement is to enable users to select specific linked data—like the payment destination—directly from an interface, streamlining subsequent processes.

For instance, in an invoice management system, supplier IBANs can be displayed in an HTML table. Users can select the desired IBAN using a choice field that corresponds to the index of the entry in the table. Once an index is selected, the associated IBAN is automatically transferred to a designated field, such as the “Pay to IBAN” field.

This approach simplifies user interactions by reducing manual input, ensuring accuracy, and enhancing the efficiency of working with linked data.

Note: I am not a JavaScript expert; the code for this implementation was generated using

2024-12-02_10-27-56 (1)

The fields of the Invoices App:

The Code in the Bank Accountlist:

// Spaltennamen als Variablen
const colName1 = "IBAN-ID";
const colName2 = "IBAN";
const colName3 = "Bankname";

// Listen aus den Feldern
const ibanList = @Alle von IBAN mit Null;
const bankNameList = @Alle von Bankname mit Null;

// Styling Variablen

const headerBgColor = "orange";
const headerTextColor = "white";
const rowBgColor = "#f5f5f5";
const borderColor = "#ddd";
const errorTextColor = "red";
const idTextColor = "#00008B"; // Dunkelblau fĂĽr ID-Spalte

// HTML Tabelle erstellen
var html = `<table style="width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; margin: 5px 0;">

  <tr style="background-color: ${headerBgColor}; color: ${headerTextColor};">
   <th style="width: 80px; padding: 8px; text-align: center;">${colName1}</th>
   <th style="width: 200px; padding: 8px; text-align: left;">${colName2}</th>
   <th style="padding: 8px; text-align: left;">${colName3}</th>


// 5 Zeilen erstellen
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
 // Sichere IBAN-PrĂĽfung
 const iban = ibanList[i] || '';
 const hasError = typeof iban === 'string' && iban.includes('ERROR');
 const ibanStyle = hasError ? `color: ${errorTextColor}; font-weight: bold;` : '';
 html += `<tr style="background-color: ${rowBgColor};">
  <td style="padding: 8px; border: 1px solid ${borderColor}; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; color: ${idTextColor};">${i + 1}</td>
  <td style="padding: 8px; border: 1px solid ${borderColor}; ${ibanStyle}">${iban}</td>
  <td style="padding: 8px; border: 1px solid ${borderColor};">${bankNameList[i] || ''}</td>
html += "</tbody></table>";

The Automation:

The Code in the automation:

var index = parseInt(invoice_field_select_the_iban_id_title)-1;
var iban = "Unassigned IBAN-ID selected";  // Default value if index is out of bounds
// Check if index is valid before accessing the array
if (index >= 0 && index < record_collection_ibans.length) {
    // Only try to find IBAN if index is valid
    var foundIban = record_collection_ibans[index].fields.find(field => field.external_id === "iban");
    if (foundIban && foundIban.values && foundIban.values[0]) {
        iban = foundIban.values[0].value;

var_myiban = iban;

Do you have any alternative solutions for this purpose?


To try it out, you can load the workspace as a template…
The solution does not claim to be complete or error-free. The code was generated by


Hi Hans,
Thank you very much for sharing these Showcases. Please take my words with a pinch of salt since I am not sure my following approach adds to your case.

Maybe instead of “IBAN-ID” and a specific field additional to select, you could create a new column with links to simply click on these. The idea would be to have a weblink automation synced with IBANs update in order to have this: “when an IBAN is added in rel field then a weblink is created specifically for this IBAN and stored in a hidden link field”. Then this link could be shown beautifully in your new column in your table (maybe with something simple like <a href=“URL_GOES_HERE”>Add IBAN</a>). And finally when this weblink is clicked, then the pay to IBAN field is filled.

The downside is that (ideally) you should initially know how many IBANs maximum you could have in order to create these potential maximum hidden link fields.

But a potential solution to this (if you don’t know the max. number initially) is that you could directly skip the hidden link field to store each link and try to append the weblink url in the column.

I hope this helps.

Just to help visualize (although I think I would prefer this on the right but following your creation):

Bank Accountlist 1

(also notice you won’t need extra unpopulated rows until populated by a new IBAN)


The idea with the weblink is brilliant! Thank you, R.J.!