[βœ… Solution] Error when searching a different application

This could well be my brain not working but I have something a bit strange going on this morning in one of my automations and I wonder if anyone has any ideas. This is an email app that has been working fine up until this email.

The emails come in via a webhook where it then gets processed the automation takes various parts of the data and searches both in the same app and others the part that is failing is to a different app:

The idea is that it checks to see if the payload contains a MailboxHash and if it does it searches to see if that matches a reference in the Organisation app in this case both are true:

Unfortunately, the error makes no sense to me:

I have tried changing the initial conditional check to a script and that looks okay:


If I set that section of the automation to continue on error the email record is created and I can then manually relate it to the Organisation.

Any ideas as to what I am missing it is nothing urgent as everything looks to be working for all other emails coming in both with and without MailboxHash I just don’t like not understanding what was wrong with that particular one.


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Hi @Jason,

thanks for sharing your issue. This looks like it might be a problem on our side. Can you pinpoint as to what is different for that particular record that is being matched? For other matches, it works well?

Does the app β€œMailboxHashes” also have more relation fields? Or incoming relations?

Thanks in advance for more details &

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I have sent you a whole lot of extra info in a DM


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@Jason thanks for providing those detailed infos. With that, we were able to resolve this issue which was caused by deleted app references where records would still be referenced.

The issue is now resolved thanks to @Jason.
