[✅ Solution] Guests Cannot select names from certain catagories or save a record

Video link: Video of Guest issue.

I have been trying to set up guests to allow them to submit articles in our city workspaces section (North Ogden, Syracuse, Roy, or Weber) and have some issues.

When a guest tries to submit a record, there are certain categories we have that allow them to select from a list of our member names that coincide with the option, such as our magazine designer or proofreader, which are required for them to be notified; however, the only name available for the guest to select is their own.

They are not able to save the article record either. They can click the save button, but nothing happens. When you click away, you get the dialog box stating, "Discard changes? Leaving this window will cancel any of your unsaved changes.

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Hi @Robert1

first of all a very warm welcome to the tape community! We are really happy that you are here! :100: :tada: :grinning:

Thank you also for reporting your issue with guests. I just tried to watch your video to better understand the problem, unfortunately I couldn’t access it (I already requested it via google drive).
If the video contains sensitive data, you can also send it to me here in the community via direct message!

Best regards

You should be able to access it now. Thanks

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Thank you for giving me access @Robert1! I have already analyzed and understood the issue. Basically, a guest should be able to access all persons in the member field who have direct and indirect access to an app or record. Currently, the users who have indirect access via the workspace membership are missing.
The problem currently exists for private and closed workspaces. In open workspaces, a guest automatically has access to all members of the organization.
We will solve the problem soon and get back to you when the fix is live.

Thanks again for the great analysis and best regards

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Hi @Robert,

good news, we released a fix for the bug yesterday evening. The problem only affected the record creation, but has now been solved after a refresh.
Now you can select all persons in the member field who either have access via the workspace membership or who are directly invited to the app or to records. As soon as a workspace is set to Open, all members (not guests) of an organization can be selected, as this gives them access to the workspace and its apps.

Thanks again for the report and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time!

Kind regards

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The names are now showing up. However, the “Magazine" option near the bottom of the workspace form is set up to be automatic and thus this option does not actually have to be selected. However, since it is also set up as a mandatory field, I tested it and none of the options for the magazine month show up to select from under a guest account. I believe this may be what is keeping a guest from saving the workspace form.

I’ve included a screenshot of the magazine field option. I am using our North Ogden Magazine as an example. As I mentioned it is automatically set up and shows up like this in both member and guest.

However, the screenshot below that one is what should show up when you click “Add relation” and shows a list of magazine months to choose from. Under a guest, it does not list them.

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Hi @robert,

have you checked whether the guest has access to the linked app? Regardless of guests, each member or guest only see records in a relation field to which they have granted access, as the title could already contain sensitive content.
However, you can easily solve this by either giving the guest access to the entire linked app, or by only giving them access to the records that they should link.

I hope this has solved your problem.


Yes, they do have access to that app. The account I am using to test is a guest account I created for myself

Hello @robert,

unfortunately I was not able to reproduce your problem. I have created a video and sent it to you as I tried to reproduce it and solved it so that we can find a solution more quickly.

Best regards

Thanks Leo,

I believe I got it now.


Great @robert, and please get in touch if you have any further questions!