💡 Upgrading our databases to make Tape more reliable - October 2024

The community’s buzz has worked – thanks for that!
The outcome, significant growth in Tape’s user base and high engagement with dashboards - both are fantastic to see. That’s why we’re already investing to make Tape more reliable for our future. We’re working to keep disruptions as minimal as possible for everyone, and we’ll be upgrading our databases over the weekend.

:spiral_calendar: Scheduled for Saturday October 26, 2024, from 04:00 to 05:00 AM UTC
Tape will be unavailable for a certain period during the maintenance window.
The same information will be published on our status-page

Our team will be with you, providing live updates here.

Thank you for your continued support in helping the Tape community grow.
We’re super happy to be part of such an amazing community.


We’re getting started in 15 minutes. Stay tuned!

We prepared the system for the upgrade.
The maintenance is in progress. We’ll keep you posted.

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Update: Everything’s on track and moving just as planned!

Update: Tape is back online! :tada: We’re closely monitoring the system and running final tests.

Tape’s running smoothly on my end—fantastic work @Tim!!!

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All systems are back to normal. The database upgrade is complete :raised_hands: with the system and all automations smoothly up and running again. Thanks to everyone for your patience and understanding.

According to our logs, the total downtime was only about 12 minutes.

Cheers & have a great weekend everyone