UTM and Short URL's

A little while ago I posted on my website about using Tape as a UTM manager and in that, I included using Make to link to a URL shortener in this case Rebrandly(I know there are a vast number of alternatives including open-source ones).

Anyway, I have recently been going through my Make account and rebuilding automations to remove Make from the equation. This video shows the automation in action and then I will go into how we make this happen:

If we start with the ‘The URL’s’ block that updates as we build our UTM and then again when the Short URL is created:

// Initialize an empty string to store the output
let out = "";
// Check if the Original URL is provided
if (@Original URL) {
out =	`## The URL's 
**Original URL:** ${@Original URL}
**UTM URL:** ${@UTM URL}`}; // If yes, append the Original URL and UTM URL to the output

// Check if a Shortened URL is provided
if (@shortened URL) {
out += `
**Short URL:** https://${@shortened URL}`}; // If yes, append the Shortened URL to the output

// Return the final output

which gives you:

Now the automation to get a short URL:

// give the API key an easy name
const api = collected_api_key_field_apikey_value;
// console.log('api:'api);
// Get the long link and give it an easy name
const longLink = url_field_utm_url_string_value;

const response = await http.post('https://api.rebrandly.com/v1/links',
        headers: {
            "accept": "application/json",
            "apikey": `${api}`,
            "content-type": "application/json"
        data: {
            "domain": {
                "fullName": "jmc.onl"
            "destination": `${longLink}`
var_response = response;
var_linkid = jsonata('$.data.id').evaluate(response);
console.info('ID:', var_linkid);
var_shorturl = jsonata('$.data.shortUrl').evaluate(response);
console.info('Short URL:', var_shorturl);

In the first part, we collect the API key and URL and put them in easier variables, I just find it easier to do this rather than build the long ones into the actual call. I also have a commented-out console log of the API variable just to make sure it is as I expected.

Now we can make the actual call which is quite a simple one:

const response = await http.post('https://api.rebrandly.com/v1/links',
        headers: {
            "accept": "application/json",
            "apikey": `${api}`,
            "content-type": "application/json"
        data: {
            "domain": {
                "fullName": "jmc.onl"
            "destination": `${longLink}`

The last part of the script builds our variables to use later:

var_response = response;
var_linkid = jsonata('$.data.id').evaluate(response);
console.info('ID:', var_linkid);
var_shorturl = jsonata('$.data.shortUrl').evaluate(response);
console.info('Short URL:', var_shorturl);

I console log the response which means I can check I am getting back what I expect, then pull out the shortURL and the LinkID.
melotte.consulting 2024-02-03 at 12.45.58

The final stage is just to update the record with the new link.

When I feed this post into ChatGPT to check for errors it comes back saying my code isn’t very consistent in its formatting and I don’t write my console.log lines very well. What I have posted works in Tape (which seems to be very forgiving on missing ; etc) but it is obviously not as neat or consistent as it could be - sorry about that :slight_smile:


There have only been a few use cases where I have needed this but next time I do, I’ll know where to come for inspiration. Thanks!


@Jason your contribution to the community is really appreciated :+1:


Really outstanding @jason! :pray: :blue_heart:

Extremely valuable for the whole Tape community! And, as always, presented in a perfectly understandable way.

Many many thanks for that :100:


Hey there,
if you look for an opensource alternative short URL app, check https://yourls.org/ … its stable since years and very easy to integrate with.

As Stefan mentioned this showcase in his 2024 year review post I thought I would add it to the Tape Templates library.
A full template workspace can be found here