🆕 Bulk follow and unfollow records


Stop getting updates from records you’re done with by using bulk unfollow.
Use bulk follow to start getting updates on all the records you need to know about.

We’ve used the new feature multiple times—it’s a huge time saver, eliminating the need to update records individually.

Thanks again for the fantastic suggestion from the community → Ability to bulk unfollow items
And for voting here → 🗓️ Jan. 25th Live Demo and Q&A webinar for advanced users (Rescheduling) - #4 by Tim

We’ve also added the bulk follow feature. For instance, when someone new joins your team, they can quickly catch up by following many existing tasks right away.

:bulb: Tip: use unfollow and follow in combination. For example, if a Sales Manager moves to a new sales region, they can easily unfollow leads from their old region and start following leads from the new region.


Thank you! You guys rock!


They are the heroes in this story. I love how response the dev team is :raised_hands: