[✅ Solution] Creating a table of many records inside of a PDF

I need to generate a Rent Roll… a list of all the tenants in a particular building along with their suite #s rent to be paid, size of their suite, expiration dates, etc… and be able to email it as a PDF report. (Ultimately, it would be great too if the columns could be added up at the bottom)

In Podio I used GlobiFlow to generate an HTML table and then added it to the PDF. I’m not seeing a function block in Tape that does that… is there a way to do this? I am not a coder… so I’m hoping for a drag-and-drop kind of thing…

I am looking to move over to Tape from Podio… but need this functionality as this is a critical report we generate for our clients. Thanks


Hi @SalsaDog

Do any of these help you:


Thanks @Jason! That last link gave me the clues I needed!! I’ve not tried it yet, but will soon. Much appreciated!!


Follow up question… See attached. How can I get the Rollups to show a comma at the thousands place holder like in the above table? Thank you.

Tape Roll up- 2024_11_27