Dashboards in Home/Focus

Is it possible to add the Dashboards to the Home/Focus page on the right? Currently, you can only see “Your Team.” It would be fantastic to have a Dashboard there that allows you to create a “Global” dashboard with data from all workspaces. Something like this:

Hi @Luis,

that’s actually exactly what we planned Luis, great that you also recognized the opportunities that this opens up!
The Focus will most certainly get its own tab and on Home we want to be able to display dashboards, we need a few user-centric blocks like the Team box, which you can then add to your Workspaces Dashboard and then only display the Workspace members there, for example.
We still have to check the implementation in detail as there are still a few problems to be solved. What is displayed to a user who is newly onboarded, how can you provide different departments or users with a dedicated home without having to log in to the user, etc.? But we are already solving these problems to make this possible.

We will keep you up to date here!
