🟢 Feature requests needed! Relaunching records, developing web forms, redesigning mobile

We’ve begun developing several key areas at the same time, including:

  • Upgrading mobile
  • Developing web forms
  • Relaunching records

We need your insights to help shape the future of Tape. We’re collecting feature requests and feedback to make sure all needs and use cases are covered.

We’re excited to give you a behind-the-scenes look

(1.) Records are on a mission to completely reinvent itself from scratch

Below is an overview from the concept paper:

Here’s is a proof of concept, highlighting the technical foundations and early-stage development (excluding design). The administrator unlocked the app to customize its structure.

And here are some early design sketches, outlining potential implementations

(2.) Draft of web forms / processes / screen flows for both desktop and mobile

Since it’s all based on the same core technology that we fully developed in-house, developing all 22 field types for records, web forms, and mobile simultaneously.

Now is the time to consider everything – it’s often much harder to make changes after implementation.
:rotating_light: Please reply here with screenshots of great tools, valuable insights, brainstorming ideas, missing features from other tools, wish-list items, or even crazy thoughts – all related to:
:one: Records
:two: Web forms or
:three: Mobile

Honestly, I feel a little embarrassed at how excited I got reading this. Tape ROCKS.

My quick gut input based on what I see here includes…

Mobile: ability to create new records and simply view existing records/saved views is more important than the ability to edit existing records on mobile.

Being able to choose a limited set of fields/layout for a custom ‘mobile view’ would be nice.

Desktop Design: in your design sketch called ‘record frame 1’ I can see the possibility for different ‘tab groupings’ which would be a game changer!
I would love to see an ability to restrict user visibility or permissions on specific Tab Groups.
We have several use cases where a ‘private’ or restricted Tab Group would be extremely helpful.

One example is for commissions. With all the project details and the selected Rep Profile we can run calculations on what the commission value is. These numbers should not be visible to the entire team that manages the project app however, so we are required to set up a separate project finances app in a different space where the commission numbers are calculated and seen. This forces us to sync/duplicate lots of data from the main project tracking page. If we could simply set up a “Commissions” Tab Group but then restrict which users see the data on that tab, it would significantly simplify the setup and back end resources required.

Another example is for the Sales Rep details. We track the basic Name, Phone, Email, etc. in a ‘public’ Directory of Reps. But then we have to maintain a separate listing of these exact same reps to track their personal commission agreements and contract details in a spot that is not seen by everyone. Having a private “Contract Details” tab group in the main Directory of Reps app would be preferred instead of having to build flows to maintain two listings for each rep that joins the team.

URL Formatting: I would love to see a simplified or more generic url formatting for these new record types which doesn’t require inserting the individual org slug as noted here.
We often create workflows where a trigger in one app creates a new item in a second app and it’s helpful to place a ‘breadcrumb’ comment to the newly created item. With the current URL format, adding these comments with automation workflows break or require attention every time an app/flow is cloned into a new Tape Org. Especially now with the awesome new Tape Templates platform being released, removing the need to insert unique datapoints like the org-slug would help with replication of automations in many instances.

Thank you for all you’re doing to push this amazing product further and further!


Oh I should add the request to have the ability to set what record details are seen from various ‘viewpoints’ in the system.

Aka fields seen when looking at the board view type. Fields seen when looking at list view type. Fields seen when the record is a related item referenced from another app within tape. Fields seen on the mobile view. Etc.

Especially if these new features allow for the level of customization you’ve displayed here, there will be different data that we want to see displayed at a quick glance in the different spots where the same record is called upon.


I’m not even sure right now. This is making my head spin with possibilities.

I love conditional logic

  • if/else on field
  • if/else +/- n
  • if/else specific user or user privilege/role

I love the ability to share an entry externally, where all fields are read only with the exception of a select few (eg. A proof, where the client can add comments or change the status to ‘approved’ but cannot make any other changes)

Lock a status field after reaching a specific condition (if status is ‘closed’ do not allow field to update any longer)

I would love a button field for users to trigger automations (many currently use status/category fields)

Not sure if this is relevant but having an items audit logs with the ability to revert changes is an attractive feature that is currently missing.

I would love the ability to embed a web form onto my website (eg. Use tape as a contact form for collective inquiries // form used for bug submissions)

That’s all I got for now


I’m here with you! How many years were we begging for conditional logic? Since 2013? :exploding_head:

This opens so many new use cases and opportunities for the Tape ecosystem.

I truly hope this pays off big for the boys :clap:


Workspaces already have permissions settings.
I would love to see app level permissions as well.

Workspace: Sales department
App1: leads (open)
App2: contact logs (open)
App2: employee pay schedule (private)

Not sure if this should be addressed while building out the new app records or if it is outside of scope for this

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Hi @1F2Ns

it’s always great to see a feature request that’s already been implemented.
You can already set permissions at the app level and even at the record level, different from the workspace settings, and pretty sure accomplish the use case you mentioned.

With the new record, we plan to introduce conditional display of fields, allowing you to set access even at the field level or tab level, as @CarsonRedCliffLabs already suggested :100:



2024-10-17_ (3)

Really? How do I change the permissions on this “Archived” app?


  • Estimates = everyone
  • Archived = closed to everyone except one user
  • Web = admins only (no members)
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Yes of course, you will find the share option for the currently selected app in the top right-hand corner. Here you can then remove the access for workspace admins and members and specify a person who should have access.

You can find a detailed explanation here.

I finally figured it out :grin:
This wasn’t intuitive for me at all.
I’m going to record a video for you so you can see where I was failing to understand

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WOW!! The proposed design looks fantastic. Here are few things that came to mind:


1. Fields Order on Developer API calls

With the proposed reordering of fields in multiple columns layout, how will the order of fields response be when doing a request like Retrieve a record API? Here an example from an app with the following fields:

The response from that request will look like this:

As you can see under “Fields” it will show in the order that is organized in the customized fields ([0] Name, [1] Company Name, [2] Phone, [3] Email, [4] Address). How will that work with a multiple column layout?

2. Add Lockable Fields

I made a feature request about Lockable Fields here. Basically, any locked fields should only be edited via automation, which will prevent accidental edits from people with access to the records. We should be able to lock any and all field types.


1. Electronic signature field

It would be fantastic if forms have an option to collect signatures. Currently I get signatures using Tally Forms and a custom automation that attached the image to the image field.

2. Embeddable Forms

Ability to embed forms on external websites. Here how Tally Forms does it.

3. Custom CSS for Forms

If possible have an option to add custom CSS to style the forms to match company branding.


1. Add “Focus” to mobile version

I love the Tape Focus feature and it would be fantastic to have it in the mobile version as part of the tabs.

2. Custom Dashboard Tab

In this feature request I made to add Dashboards in Home/Focus it would allow the option to create a “Global” dashboard. Could that dashboard be added as a custom tab in the mobile version? This way we can create a mobile view to whatever specifications we want.


We use calculation fields to display dynamic data and calculate numbers. From time to time, we need to update the calculations (eg. price change or disclaimer wording) -obviously this updates across all previous records.

As is, if we want the data to be static, we need to duplicate the info in the calc field to a text field.

What if we could lock a calc field from further updates?

Eg. If status option == locked // all fields and calculations become static and cannot be edited.

This would be beneficial for pricing updates and allow users to ‘save’ records without the worry of them accidentally being updated in the future. This would also help minimize legacy code as organizations grow and update with Tape.


Following on from this not only do I think that a fixed location in the response is important but it would be really useful if all fields were given regardless of a value or not. Some external systems I can think of two that I use that work purely on the position in the array when getting data which means that any change can be a challenge to get around.

This first record doesn’t have any value to field two:

 "fields": [
      "field_id": 459491,
      "external_id": "field_one",
      "label": "Field One",
      "type": "text",
      "field_type": "single_text",
      "config": {
        "label": "Field One",
        "slug": "field_one",
        "external_id": "field_one",
        "show_description": false,
        "required": false,
        "always_hidden": false,
        "hidden_if_empty": false,
        "settings": {
          "formatted": false
      "values": [
          "value": "Something in Field One"
      "field_id": 459493,
      "external_id": "field_three",
      "label": "Field Three",
      "type": "text",
      "field_type": "single_text",
      "config": {
        "label": "Field Three",
        "slug": "field_three",
        "external_id": "field_three",
        "show_description": false,
        "required": false,
        "always_hidden": false,
        "hidden_if_empty": false,
        "settings": {
          "formatted": false
      "values": [
          "value": "Something in Field Three"
      "field_id": 459494,
      "external_id": "record_id",
      "label": "Record ID",
      "type": "number",
      "field_type": "number",
      "config": {
        "label": "Record ID",
        "slug": "record_id",
        "external_id": "record_id",
        "show_description": false,
        "required": false,
        "always_hidden": false,
        "hidden_if_empty": false,
        "settings": {
          "decimals": 0,
          "unit_label": null,
          "unit": null
      "values": [
          "value": 97073435,
          "formatted": "97073435"
      "field_id": 459495,
      "external_id": "unique_id",
      "label": "Unique ID",
      "type": "unique_id",
      "field_type": "unique_id",
      "config": {
        "label": "Unique ID",
        "slug": "unique_id",
        "external_id": "unique_id",
        "show_description": false,
        "required": false,
        "always_hidden": false,
        "hidden_if_empty": false,
        "settings": {
          "min_digits": 1
      "values": [
          "value": 1,
          "formatted": "1"

Therefore field three would be in position [1] but here it has dropped to position [2]:

"fields": [
      "field_id": 459491,
      "external_id": "field_one",
      "label": "Field One",
      "type": "text",
      "field_type": "single_text",
      "config": {
        "label": "Field One",
        "slug": "field_one",
        "external_id": "field_one",
        "show_description": false,
        "required": false,
        "always_hidden": false,
        "hidden_if_empty": false,
        "settings": {
          "formatted": false
      "values": [
          "value": "Something in Field One"
      "field_id": 459492,
      "external_id": "field_two",
      "label": "Field Two",
      "type": "text",
      "field_type": "single_text",
      "config": {
        "label": "Field Two",
        "slug": "field_two",
        "external_id": "field_two",
        "show_description": false,
        "required": false,
        "always_hidden": false,
        "hidden_if_empty": false,
        "settings": {
          "formatted": false
      "values": [
          "value": "Something in Field Two"
      "field_id": 459493,
      "external_id": "field_three",
      "label": "Field Three",
      "type": "text",
      "field_type": "single_text",
      "config": {
        "label": "Field Three",
        "slug": "field_three",
        "external_id": "field_three",
        "show_description": false,
        "required": false,
        "always_hidden": false,
        "hidden_if_empty": false,
        "settings": {
          "formatted": false
      "values": [
          "value": "Something in Field Three"

It would make life a lot easier if the empty field was delivered with the value as null as some forms providers do for empty fields this way the fields array for a record would always be in the same order either when getting a record or when using the application level webhooks.


New to Tape, but excited by what we’ve seen so far. Here is my feedback…sorry it long and there is a lot of it as I do not know yet everything that is possible or what is already in the works.


  • I agree with suggestion for the conditional logic; especially for visibility. Ex: only show this field if this other field =, !=, or contains X

  • I also agree with suggestion for view only fields, only editable via automations, forms, or admins. Coming from years of Podio work, we often have issues with users accidentally changes fields they shouldn’t. We also have scenarios where only admin/select users should update fields. EX: time off requests. When submitted they alert management who then reviews the requests and decides to approve or not; if approved additional automations happen. We do not want users approving their own requests… Another example where it is good to allow forms to be the only thing to edit a field: We send invoicing forms to techs (who are not platform users) to input data about their service call. We do not then want a user to accidentally change # of hours, mileage, or other charges and mess up that techs billing.

  • Ability to see and revert changes users have made (similar to Podio Activity feed). If you have a lot of users, and someone makes a mistake, it is great to see where/when an issue happened and fix that issue. NOTE, revisions should NOT revert every change that happened since that change, but only that one offending change. OR at least to see the changes that happened and what the values were before so they can be manually changed back. Tried to imbed screenshots from Podio revisions but wouldn’t let me.

I use forms a LOT and here are my biggest uses and frustrations with other platforms

  • Send forms to external users that have any of their data pre-filled. Like Name, email, phone, address, payment amount, description of services, etc. and have submissions automatically update their record of changes or new data entered.

  • Select whichever fields you want displayed and rearrange the order of them. This is nice as you might have one way you want it ordered that makes most sense for the team when editing the record. But in the form sent to an external person it might make more sense for them to see the fields in a different order. For example, the team may not need ready access to the contact information and instead see important data to move the project forward. But the external user should see the contact info right at the top to ensure it is correct.

  • Have that prefilled data either editable or NOT editable. If a client is receiving a form and they see the phone number is bad we want them to edit that. However if we then send the job information to a tech we do not want them editing the client’s information.

  • Turn on auto-saving, so that if we send a prefilled form, it will auto-save any updates made. We often have lengthy forms for people to fill out, especially on a job site. They might fill it out a little at a time while they are working, so it would be incredible to have an auto-save function that updates the record live or at least a “Save” button

  • Have option to create multiple pages for long forms with some type of indicator of completion level or page X/Y so they know where they are in the process.

  • Ability to group fields into a section; helps with next request, and the look of the form.

  • Conditional visibility so you can show/hide fields or entire sections based on how another field is filled out. Great for selection or number fields.

  • Ability to make fields in the form required or not even if it doesn’t match the requirement setting in the record. So for example the phone field may not be required in the actual record, but if we send out a form, we might want to require they provide a phone number.

  • Show fields that might be hidden in the record. This is very useful for having selections trigger automations, but are not things the team needs to see, like agreements.

  • Change the wording of the field names in the form, so they may not match the field name in the record. This is extremely useful when sending a client a form to gather more information so that you can make the field a full and understandable question as opposed to just a couple short words that you’d have for the team in the record. Example: in the record for the team the field name might just be 6mo Goal. But in the form you’d want to say: What revenue would you like to have in 6 months?

  • Would be AMAZING to be able to have more than 1 form for an app/record.
    For example someone fills out a basic name and email form online to get more information. That form creates a record. Then someone calls to follow up and get more information. They also have a form with the name and email, but also has additional fields of what is desired to find out on the discovery call…this is helpful so they don’t have to deal with all the fields of a full record and focus just on the follow up information. OR the potential client is then sent a thank you for your time email and a link to a form with all the information they gave and the follow up questions so they can start providing additional information before a team member follows up. Both of the later forms would then just update the record created by the original form.

  • Ability to display clickable links in the form that are present in the record…these could either be from editable fields or calculation fields…showing calc fields would be awesome.

  • Option to display a message or redirect to a URL on submission or save.

  • Conditional logic on submission, so that depending on certain answers they could be shown/taken to different thank you/confirmations.

  • Calculation fields IN the form would be outstanding! For example if someone is submitting a repair request or applying for a loan, at the bottom of the section there is a calc adding up all the amounts they are entering for that section so they can see exactly what is being looked at in their account. OR if sending to a service person and they are inputting their expenses it automatically adds up the total they will be invoicing, so they don’t have to do it manually. Example in cognitoforms shown below.

  • Ability to pull in nested data…data from other app records that are linked to the current record. EX: you have a Project app that has a related app field to Clients, Invoices, and Techs. If you create a form from the Project app it would be great to be able to add fields from one of the other related apps. So that when you send it out they can either see or update the Contact details, or the invoice total. So that when submitted it will not only update the Project record, but also the fields in the related apps.
    This would ALSO be great for blank forms to create a new Project record, it could at the same time create a record with all the related Client data.


Hi @rpcvJenna,

first of all a very warm welcome to the Tape community – we’re really happy to have you here! :blue_heart: :tada: :100:

Thank you so much for your detailed feedback and insights from real use cases on the new Record and especially regarding the planned Forms. That’s incredibly valuable for us, and we’ll do our best to include all your points in the planned features. We’ll get in touch if we have any further questions.

Big thanks again, and have a great weekend!


Hi all!!!
This is so nice to see posts like this one!!! :smiley:

Let me throw some ideas from different angles and areas. Also please forgive me if some of the things I mention can already be well implemented with the current state of Tape (I am still learning the ins and outs of it :sweat_smile:). Please have in mind that these are not in any particular order.

Have the option to choose the French decimal numbers(https://french.kwiziq.com/revision/grammar/how-to-write-decimal-numbers-in-french). This is a subtle change but could be a game changer. Basically this could be the difference between using this field or not, forcing to search a workaround, especially for billing purposes and financial calculations (that others will see). To be more precise, this is the ability to show this: 2.000.000€ or 2.000.000,34€ instead of 2,000,000€ or 2,000,000.34€.

It would maybe be helpful to be able to add a “button” field so we can add some automations when clicked (in the future with mobile maybe also some haptic functions or long press functionality). I know we can build automations on top of single select fields and use them as buttons, but a simple button with functionality could simplify and open a world of triggering options. Maybe some styling or customization would be helpful if built.
All this is especially relevant in mobile where we can’t change a single select field.

Please make the phone field a trigger we can use. I know we can try a workaround using this calculation links with call-to but a “simple” trigger option to choose in this phone field would be so helpful. Especially when on the go, where you have a mobile button already in place but it cannot be chosen as a trigger.
Also this could well be used together with the previous button idea because you already have a button in mobile for these fields. So maybe some synergies can be built combining things here.

Simply copy/allow the implementation of the “take a picture” button already present in the comment section in mobile to be included in the file field or somehow (maybe as a standalone button that only shows in devices with viewport smaller than x) in the rest of the mobile outside the comments area.

It would be very useful to have a “foldable” section option to create foldable sections where we could include some fields. Then this foldable section could be opened or not by default or even conditionally opened if certain conditions are met. A good example (and nice in terms of design and customization) are Obsidian’s callouts: Callouts - Obsidian Help. These callouts can be opened or closed by design (simply adding + or - when creating these) and can be hugely customised applying css styles. But here really I just wanted to highlight the “foldable section with fields” functionality. Maybe a simpler idea less styled that also matches this are the Headings Basic formatting syntax - Obsidian Help. These could be similar to the Focus foldable headings but with a section and being able to include fields.
If built, there are a ton of more advanced uses like the creation of a foldable section with certain fields if some condition is met. For example, imagine a very long record with a ton of fields that could all be folded except the ones at the bottom if the status or predefined state is “end of process”. Another similar example would be to fold some fields when progression is made so some fields are being included in some foldable and folded sections.
Note: in the callouts link you won’t see the opened by default ones but you truly can do this and the callout is directly opened with the option to close it manually. Also these callouts can serve to style or bring color to the background of a section or set of fields if needed. Although I am not sure of the design-cohesion implications of that last point.

I know we can build whatever we want with a calculation field but sometimes a simple divider field would be so handy. Also this possibly would reduce load for something as simple as this (instead of a calculation or several each time a record is opened). For example to be able to set the margins (up-down and maybe left right if some column feature come is added to records) and also maybe a line with the height and width (and even color although black is nice).

Sometimes it would be helpful to show information of some other Tape record/records inside a record.
Also be able to automate this embed would be nice.

It would be nice to have kind of a button to navigate back in the pc Tape version. I mean something super simple like the mobile version way of navigating related records with the simple back tick on the top left.

It would be very nice to be able to choose from templates in the automations.

It would be nice to be able to have a simple portal where clients could upload their files simply. A lot has already been mentioned regarding forms in general, but the ability to create a portal for them to upload and maybe update files would be nice. It would be nice to have partial submissions (as they call it in tally.so) so they can upload certain files and not need to upload everything at once (similar to some already “saving” features mentioned for forms).
Here are some nice extras for these portals:

  • Preset link expiry dates.
  • Creation on automation.
  • Set password if needed.
  • Logging visibility to know if they accessed and when.
  • Automation to remove the link (when project is done link is removed).

This is similar to the functionality just described where we would be able to create a link of a selection of fields (of some files for example) and share these through a password protected link. All the extras apply as well here.

Options, buttons, https calls, etc. This would open a ton of automation options.

Think about an image or a link of an important file.

Maybe the option to customise the notification differently for mobile or devices which width is smaller than x.

Here I am simply saying that every on-the-go work experience upgrade is super welcome.



  • Allow two image superposition in a pdf and also text superposition in an image.
  • Allow certain elements to not have margins in pdf.
  • Table align not text in pdf. Currently this only applies to text.
  • How to display a map in pdf? I am not sure this is possible in a simple way here (I thought about iframe but didn’t find a simple solution).

I mean Doc or docx creation like the create a pdf automation. It would be amazing to be able to create a docx directly using an automation kind of the build the pdf but for the doc or docx type of files. This could be super useful, and maybe to accelerate things you could make use of the Onlyoffice extensive offering. They have many open-source products (although don’t know if the licenses are applicable in this case) that could give you a good head start.
Also similarly this could be applied to .txt files.

Just in case this helps, if you want to build something related to Signatures, it may be of use as a good starting point to check this open-source solution that is being developed (but already includes many many features): GitHub - OpenSignLabs/OpenSign: 🔥 The free & Open Source DocuSign alternative. Although as stated previously you would have to check the licenses.

Sorry for the length of the reply and thanks for reading this long. :pray:


*I forgot to enclose the examples I prepared to better see the foldable section concept. Also let me add some more comments. :sweat_smile:

Examples foldable section:
Heading style
Foldable heading style

Callout style
Foldable callout style

Please consider being able to enlarge, full screen or resize the Records window (especially in PC).

Sometimes it would be useful to simply focus on the record and fold everything including the activity. This is kind of the same as closing the sidebar but for activity.

It could be nice to be able to have another record or app or view on the side while editing a record. Here there are many options, design consistency aside, there could be tabs, tiling, simply side by side and/or size rearranging.
Further into the feature if this is implemented there could be set by default “views” or “setups” for some given records/apps. Even these could be automated.

Side by side record

side by side rearrangement and tabs


Another useful option could be to simply open a record or an app in another window from a wrench icon or kind of contextual menu. Just like a pop-up to quickly open it.

Contextual menu or wrench

Please note that in these two “potential” comments one key concept is “having the option to” (not forcing) simply having the option to customize a bit more the interface. Also consider that this may or may not be useful, simple/intuitive enough for the UX or design consistent.

Many thanks for your extra attention.

1 Like

Let me please add a quick additional one.

It would be amazing to have a simple option to hide apps just to keep the interface neat and to the point at any given moment. Sometimes there may be some “support” or extra apps that could be meant to support processes or ease things up in other apps. So to hide those would be very nice. This could help to focus more and save some time when there are lots of apps.

This could be achieved in the form of menu+submenu to avoid cluttering the first contextual menu when hiding lots of apps.

The functionality could be something like this (please note the buttons hide/show included in the menus):

  1. Hide option in App’s first contextual menu.
  2. Show option in top-right menu.
  3. Then this opens a submenu with the hidden apps for us to show them.

This could also be included in many other places (also with toggles if preferred), this is just a quick idea.

1) App’s first contextual menu
Option added

2) Top-right menu