🆕 Group block - dashboard apps

Group blocks help you organize your dashboards by grouping related blocks together, making it easy to manage them as a single unit. The design stays the same, and only you see the red outline in an unlocked dashboard — end-users won’t see it.

Give it a try:

  1. Create a dashboard app (Dashboard apps - public beta)
  2. type ‘/group’
  3. Drag any block by its ⋮⋮ handle into the group block

Right now, the group block may not seem like rocket science. :thinking: But it’s an important technical step towards introducing conditional logic.

  • Scenario: imagine you’re creating a dashboard, webform ,or record where certain sections should only be displayed based on user input. For example, if a user selects “Yes” to a question about having previous experience, you want additional fields to appear, asking for details about that experience.

  • Solution: Use the group block to bundle all related blocks together. This way, you can easily apply conditional logic to show or hide the entire group based on the user’s response.

  • Benefit: This creates a better user experience by making the dashboard, webform, or record more dynamic and responsive to user input. It shows only the relevant sections, keeping the interface clean and uncluttered.

Until conditional logic is introduced, the group block makes it easier to move multiple blocks together without end-users seeing any changes in the design, and we didn’t want to miss out on those advantages.

Check out the difference between the box and group block here → Style & customize your dashboard apps | Tape Help Center


You had me at conditional logic :heart_eyes::chart_with_upwards_trend: