💙 Limit Email + Phone fields to one entry

I would appreciate the ability to limit email and phone to only one entry.
Not sure if this is a simple request but if it is I would be a fan.

Use case:
We use the email and phone entries for facilitating project and sending emails. I do not want my team to add multiple entries thinking that emails will be sent to anything except the first ‘WORK’ email.


Hi @1F2Ns,

the use case makes perfect sense to me John! I’ll take the idea to our product meeting to get an estimate for the effort. Thanks for the valuable request. I’ll get back to you as soon as I have the necessary info.
In the meantime, you could also build an automation for a record update that deletes a second entry when it is added. You would only need a script filter to change the first value.
Here already once the version without the script filter, I provide you tomorrow!


I’m glad that makes sense to you as well. No need for the workaround. I added a note that only the first is used for communication purposes. But it would be a great failsafe to limit additional entries. Hopefully it is a simple modification on your end.

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Hi @1F2Ns,

thanks for your patience. Due to your great preparation, @Leo and I were able to solve and implement this. Apart from a little wording change, your mockup has become reality and you should see that switcher for email and phone fields:

This only applies to the Tape web app, so users could still create multiple entries via the API or workflow automations. However this solves the regular use case of guiding end users to only add a single email address / phone number.

Let us know how it works for you!

Cheers & happy building


Perfect! This solves the issue perfectly. I appreciate the effort.