Notification for task

Is there a way to be notified (email or SMS) for a task before or at the moment of the scheduled date/time?

This would be particularly useful for tasks scheduled in a few months or once a year. As I would not have to always have a look in case I miss something.


Hi @edg

You can build an automation for this with a trigger based on the date you set and then email a notification or send it to Slack, teams, discord, etc. You could SMS as well if you have an SMS service, similar to this I get an email every week listing the people that are going to fall out of the contact window I have set for them in the coming week:

The screenshot below shows the automation to send the email every week:

Or you could use a trigger like:


Please tell me if I am mistaken, but this looks like a process that is applicable to a record. But what I am looking for is some way to put a reminder on the subtasks within every record. The ones I can manage on my Homepage, along with the reminders.

Well, technically all of those end up on my homepage as well:

However, I think I get what you mean and that is this checklist field?:

If so you can trigger on those due dates as well:

Hope that helps

If you want a batch email once a day or week of items that are coming up on their due date rather than a notification for each then create a filtered view based on the time you want:

Then an automation similar to this:

I have done this quickly so there may be some mistakes but it should point in the right direction and seems to work:

One last thing I have used the field_ID to get the checklist details, you get that from the developers dropdown:

Now if you have multiple checklist items on a single record then you will need more logic to get what you need.

Anyway a quick example

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Yes, I need to add email reminders for some subtasks from the checklist item (like we see here : Checklist field | Tape Help Center (

Adding automation seems to be very time consuming, I’m wondering if my way of managing projects is the right one for the Tape philosophy… Maybe I’m doing someting wrong.

My record is a Deliverable. Like Build a strategy for X purpose.
My checklist is a subtask. Like Contact Y client (before Monday the X July)
If I have 100 sutasks on my homepage, I want to be sure that one subtask could be easily remembered. On Podio, I would just click “remind me 1 hour before due date” and it would send me an email. As simple as that…

No way I can do that on Tape?

Tape is ridiculously versatile, which can be a great thing but also a struggle. Task management is definitely an area in my view that could be more structured and dare I say better, however it is far from bad and I would still use it over many of the specialist team ‘project management’ systems out there.

If you take my system I use Projects/Deliverables/Actions actions are records and they may have checklist items as ‘Subtasks’ but this is unlikely. I then use the status field on each record to see what needs to happen:

This has the advantage of being able to see all actions and what their status is:

An example Action record:

And a Project record:

I know that @1F2Ns manages all his teams projects and tasks through Tape and came from Podio and without wanting to speak for him seems to be happy, although I have a feeling he struggled a little to start with.

I hope that makes sense and helps.

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Hi Jason, it helps a lot! It’s really nice to see how others manage their projects. I understand that you replace tasks by actions and that doesn’t seem to be very much different, helping you with automations.

I will try this way, as I want to fit in the model and take profit of the specs, instead of lamenting about Podio :smiley:

Please it helps feel free to ask any follow-up questions always happy to help if I can.

Actions/Tasks Yes the same in my mind I prefer using Actions rather than tasks as a name it may be an OmniFocus thing or it could be the way my brain interprets the word ‘Task’ or ‘Chore’ as something to be avoided and negative but the word ‘Action’ is engaging and forward moving.

Anyway I digress, yes when I say Action I nearly always mean Task :slight_smile:

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