[✅ Solution] Podio Migration support

Is there an easy an efficient way to migrate my records and templates from my Podio worksheet? Just saw this app and I would love to see if the is an effective migration strategy to move my records over. Thanks.

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You can use Podio’s Excel Export tool, then Tape’s import tool:

My team is currently working on a migration tool to make this a quick and easy process, but it’s still a work in progress. Export/import is your best bet for now!


@jacquelynmay please see that your team can fix this bug ASAP. Since currently, the import doesn’t support Markdown and has issue with HTML also.



I would recommend contacting the Tape team to report that bug if you haven’t already :slight_smile: I am a Tape partner, I am not part of the Tape team.


Hi @johnm,

first of all a very warm welcome to the tape community we are happy to have you! :tada:
And many thanks @jacquelynmay for taking over as a temporary Tape team member :grinning: We are very excited about the migration tool from your team that will make the migration process much easier!

@andyG sorry you had a problem with HTML and Markdown on import, we are already analyzing the issue and we will keep you posted on your related bug post.


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What migration tool?
How do I get access to it. I am finding it very difficult to find information on the site.

@johnm My team’s migration tool isn’t live yet, but we are working hard on it! We will post a link here once it’s available. For now, exporting and importing your data from individual apps is the best way for you to migrate your data to Tape (see the help links in my initial response).


@johnm I’m excited to announce that today we have launched the beta version of our Podio to Tape migration tool. You can find it here:

This initial launch is limited to 40k total items, but we hope to expand upon that soon.

Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback!