⚪ Raw long text field

This is very useful for saving json, coz in multi text field the json will break.

Hi @comfreakph,

this is an excellent feature request and really a valuable enhancement! We’ll put it directly on the roadmap and estimate the development time. Could possibly be a low hanging!



Is should definitely hold much more than 150.000 characters. Working with Mautic / WordPress will definitely hit that limit several times.

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Dirk I agree while 150k sounds like a lot it seems it is not:

for field with ID 334457. Max. length is 150000

I have hit that limit and I am not doing things with Mautic or WordPress.

when I started using Tape I thought that Web Forms (the lack of them) were the thing that would get me hitting my head against a wall, I was very wrong it is a non-issue these days, however, it has and is the lack of a non-destructive way to store data effectively to be used as variables at a later time or in a different automation that causes the most wall hitting. There are a large number of feature requests based on this ranging from global variable fields to plain text and you have recently managed to link most of them together.

Lodash, striptags or regex whilst they all have their place are simply not reliable enough in my experience Base64 encoding is more reliable but also from my understanding resource hungry.

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