๐Ÿ†• Record permissions

A record is a single item in a database app. Records are a core feature in Tape. The purpose of records is collaboration and the creation of value through data. Itโ€™s like filling out a form with different sections and collaborating on it. The used fields can be customized.

The best thing about the new workspace permission is:

By default, an app will automatically have the same permissions as the workspace it belongs to. Similarly, each individual record will inherit the permissions of that specific app it is a part of.

This means that you only have to set the workspace permission, and all apps and records within this workspace will have the same permission levels.

But you can assign higher or lower levels of permission for apps or records according to your needs. This simplified permission management with maximum flexibility.

Once you expand or restrict the permission levels of app, you can use the Reset or Restore button in the Share menu to come back to the default permission level.

Learn more about permission levels โ†’

PS: Beta rollout of the new features will be done organization, one by one. If you donโ€™t see specific features, no worries! New features are on their way in the next few weeks. Canโ€™t wait? Contact us, and we might prioritize your team.

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