▶️ Showcase 3 - Deals · Workflow Automation


How to use workflow automation to copy content from related records.
You can save time by automating common tasks, such as collecting and copying information to one place. Tape’s automated workflows can help you cut down on manual work so you spend more time closing deals.


When a deal is updated + and if the pipeline stage has changed to won→ then create a shipping summary

Showcases for a head start

We highly recommend duplicating Tape showcases to get the most out of workflow automation. Once you have duplicated the showcases to your personal Tape organization, you can customize the showcases as you like without wasting time rebuilding them.

Duplicate showcase

  • Click here :point_right: workflow automation showcases
  • Click the Duplicate button at the top right
  • Only Tape users will be able to duplicate the showcase
    • Tape users who click duplicate and are logged into a Tape account will be able to duplicate the showcase in their personal organization
    • Anyone signing up for a Tape account via “Duplicate” will see an easier, shortened version of the sign-up process, so they can start even faster

Run the automation:

  • Click the workspace showcases automation in your left sidebar
  • Tap the app Deals
  • Click to open the record with the title “Acme Inc. - 25 units of iPhone 14”
  • Change the “Pipeline stage” to Won
  • To open the automation editor after the run: click the grey icon in the right-hand activity stream

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