Why join and participate in our community forum?

For us to create a vibrant community where everyone benefits, we need you to actively participate in our forum. Here are a few reasons why you might be motivated to do so :sunglasses:

Our goal with the Tape Community Forum is to create a space that:

  • Provides the most complete and relevant information about Tape
  • Makes it possible to share experiences and best practices with other expert users of Tape
  • Announces news and updates about our product earlier than any other channel
  • Gives the most up-to-date information about bugs, issues, and service failures
  • Offers rewards for sharing your expert knowledge
  • Gathers feedback to improve your product
  • Gives exclusive access to private areas and content as soon as so reach different trust-levels
  • Gets you involved in beta-testing new product features

Thank you for joining and participating! Let’s build something great together!