🎉 Dashboards out of beta + get your exclusive deal!

You’ve been asking, and we listened.
Great news! Everyone can now use Tape’s dashboards and enjoy this exclusive, time-limited offer!

We are super happy to announce that our much-anticipated feature — dashboards with integrated reports and charts — has successfully moved out of beta and is now available to all users. This is a significant milestone in our commitment to providing powerful and intuitive tools that help you make data-driven decisions with ease.

Create charts in seconds

Turn any database into a chart with just a few clicks! When the source data changes, your chart will update automatically, and you can click any data point to review the underlying records instantly.

Kapture 2024-09-22 at 13.08.48

Use multiple charts to track everything

Nobody likes flipping between apps to stay on top of projects. Now you don’t have to: you can add multiple charts on a dashboard, then click and drag them anywhere to make a custom layout.


Customize your charts

Choose from bar, line, donut or pie charts and change color palettes, axis names, data labels, and more. Charts should be as beautiful as they are useful.

Kapture 2024-09-22 at 12.32.57

Build your perfect dashboard

Give your dashboard a big upgrade by adding list and number reports, images, links, text, and videos. Create a dashboard that’s simple yet powerful, tailored to your needs.

:gift: Exclusive dashboard deal — available until the end of october.

Experience the power of dashboards for free on all plans.
If you love them, upgrade to the premium plan to create unlimited charts and reports.

Not using Tape yet?
Now is the perfect time to switch! Migrate to Tape and get 3 full months of unlimited access, completely free. No hidden fees, no strings attached – just full access to all premium features.

Free & basic plan users
· Use charts and reports for free until the end of the year
· Upgrade to the premium plan now and get a 6-month discount – pay the basic plan price and enjoy all premium features.

Premium plan users
Create unlimited dashboards, charts, and reports with no extra cost.

Grandfathering Guarantee
We’ve got your back! No matter which plan you choose, your current pricing is locked in.

Bring your data to life with Tape’s dashboards.

Get started with a quick :point_right: free signup or upgrade until October 30, 2024, and just send us a message with “Dashboard” to unlock your exclusive deal — it’s that easy!

:black_heart: Huge thanks to all of you – your brilliant ideas and feedback have made dashboards a reality. If you can, share the news and invite your network to join our growing community. Everyone’s welcome!


Just in case you didn’t catch it:

:blue_book: Tape dashboard apps are different from other software in a few ways. Once you master these basics, you can build pretty amazing things. We really suggest diving into the details in our help center: What is a dashboard app? | Tape Help Center

:rocket: For a head start, just click the link and duplicate the workspace to your organization :point_right: Dashboard app template


Thanks a ton for the hard work – the dashboards are absolutely awesome! :rocket:


I just wanted to say how grateful I am to be part of this community! We switched from Podio to Tape about a year ago because of posts from the community, and the whole team is super happy. It’s been a game-changer for me. Our team already relies on the dashboards every day, and they’re honestly next level!

Also, big thanks for including all the features in the Premium plan – such a great decision! Quick question though: As Premium plan users, do we need to do anything special to make sure the dashboard is included in our plan? Just want to double-check we’re all set.


Thanks a lot, @DigiTom ! We’re super excited to hear that! As part of the community ourselves, we use Tape every day and are just as hyped for all the awesome new features to come.

As Premium Plan users, you’re already set. No extra steps needed — just create the kind of dashboards your team will love.

Thanks again for the support!


You already know how I feel, but I just wanted to show some appreciation for continuing to develop the platform instead of leaving it in a state of ‘good enough’. As always, many thanks!!


It’s great to see Podio and Tape users here. I’ve been following this community for about a year, and now two of my team members have also suggested Tape. We’ve been using Podio for over 5 years, but after the recent sale I’m unsure. Also, Tape looks really good so I am seriously considering switching.

We have apps with up to 5,000 items (e.g. contacts) and I have tested them in Tape, everything worked fine. Does anyone here have experience with Tape and large apps like ours in daily use?


Hi @RMiller and welcome.

You should definitely switch :wink: as for 5000 items, I am not convinced that is a very large number as far as Tape is concerned just looking through my own Organisation one of my email apps has close to 2k items and I use that daily and never even thought about how many items were in it. I have another app with close to 7,000 records and whilst I am not in that daily I just looked at a couple of filtered views and they were displayed fine.


@RMiller +1 vote for making the switch :slight_smile: I have moved a few of my clients to Tape and so far they are all very happy with it. 5,000 records is easily within what Tape can handle - the total limit per app is 500,000 records so you wouldn’t even be close to that. I have a few apps in the tens of thousands of records and have seen no issues so far.

If you decide to make the switch, I have a free Podio to Tape migration tool that you can use to make it quick and easy. Feel free to give it a try! Podio to Tape Migration


@RMiller I think it is very wise of you to monitor the features and consider the capabilities of Tape as a platform before jumping over. I think we can all acknowledge that any disruption to the platform your team uses on a daily basis can have major consequences.
That said - I’ve seen quite a few users switch over to Tape from Podio and they have all been super happy (including myself)

Using the tool that @jacquelynmay has suggested is definitely recommended. It makes the initial switch over fairly painless. That is just the beginning however, as you will start to dive in and play with the other amazing Tape features (such as the dashboards discussed in this thread). Using things like the checklist fields in Tape won’t have a one-for-one feature match from your Podio, but it’s worth exploring opportunities for improvement because you’ll find the Tape features to be even more useful.

As far as how much data the Tape apps can handle - I’ve worked in apps loaded with several thousand records and have had no issues. If 5k items is currently the top end of your data table sizes, I wouldn’t worry one bit about tape handling that data.


Hey @RMiller, and welcome to Tape.

I was a Podio user for ten years and am so glad I switched to Tape. The things you can create in Tape are amazing. You can even use Tape as your CMS (here is a tutorial I made on how to do that).

I have apps with 3000 to 5000 records, and it works flawlessly. What I love about it is how easily Tape filters the data.

Tape Filter Data

Tape Filter Search

I use this a lot, especially when I want to search for leads near a city. You can save a view of that filter to reference later.

Tape Filter View

One last thing about Tape that Podio does not have is this fantastic community. If you ever get stuck with something, the community will happily help you :hugs:.


Hi @RMiller,

Welcome to Tape Community, All of my clients are from podio for 10yrs, and we are migrating to Tape, 5 organizations and one of that has 5000 and 10000 records, Tape handled it flawlessly, The reason we migrate to tape to cut cost, we don’t need to use 3rd party apps, like procfu, zapier, make, etc. Tape automations are really powerful, advance integrations like using API are really what we look for and Tape handles it. New features like the Dashboard really the star in our organizations.


I can also speak for myself, that it was scary at first to move away from Podio after 5+ years.
We can confirm that using 5000 records in nothing. I remember scrolling in Podio to get to a certain item, search was a mess, but this here is another level. Search in table views is super fast, filters are more powerful here,… I can go on and on about features. But the thing that I like the most is this community.
Come to the dark side, we have beers :innocent:


We were with Podio since 2013ish. This was the best decision we have made to date.

Of course I can echo everything said previously, but the big thing for us is the transparency with the leadership team. If something goes wrong (very rarely) they are immediately communicating with the community and actually sharing detailed information as to what happened and how they are being proactive to avoid a similar situation in the future.

Sign up, import some data, play around. You’ll quickly realize that you should have made the move a year ago.


Welcome, @RMiller
A year ago, I was in the same position, and introducing a new platform to the company felt challenging. Getting used to Tape’s features, especially the improved permissions and the free guest accounts we use to collaborate with our clients, made a huge difference for us at the time. The community was super helpful with all my questions.
Now, a year later, we’re happy with Tape. We’re currently phasing out many Google Sheets and Excel files in our teams, moving those processes into Tape. With the new charts, we can now analyze data directly in Tape, and as a result, our apps handle way more records as 5.000 without any issues. Hope this helps.


No worries, we support clients, that have apps with about 50.000 records for daily work planning. It will grow by about 4.000 records by month. We plan to think about archiving records in about 8 to 9 years from now :smiley:


Hey everyone!

I want to share with you an amazing case of Hyper Automation that we implemented with Tape at Varejomais, a Samsung partner here in Brazil. The process of receiving Samsung merchandise involves a series of steps with various processes and subprocesses that go through multiple departments: Logistics, Controllership, Finance, Operations, Security, Accounting, and Tax.

Tape supported this entire process, adding value to all the areas, increasing efficiency, and reducing costs related to personnel, taxes, and duties. Moreover, we achieved an efficient integration of Tape with Oracle (Varejomais’s ERP)!

In this scenario, we have several apps ranging from 5 to an impressive 150,000 records, along with complex workflows and API integrations running in parallel. So far, Tape has been handling all of this very well! And now, with the Dashboards, there’s no limit to what we can do! :smile:

Below is a screenshot of a monitoring report for Invoice Integration, where we track the number of invoices that have been captured, gone through the entire workflow in Tape, and are approved for integration with Oracle and Linx. Note that just this month we’ve had over 12,000 invoices captured and processed!

We’re very excited about Tape’s evolution and the commitment from the entire team. Let’s take Tape to the next level together!


@RMiller I’ve always appreciated how unique Podio is and the significant impact it has made over the years, but unfortunately, it has changed over time.
As a long-time Podio user, I’ve recommended many organisations switch to Tape since ‘Podio’s new business model’ last year. I’m convinced of Tape’s benefits and its feature roadmap, especially in the way new features are implemented. Several companies have already made the switch and provided me with feedback that they’re happy with the results, so I’ll continue recommending Tape to more organisations for a growing Tape community. The number of records you manage won’t be an issue at all! I truly believe Tape is the future — just make the move.


Hi @RMiller and @RobertForster,

first of all, a very warm welcome to the Tape community! We’re really happy to have you here :tada: :100: :blue_heart:

A big thank you to our partners and power users for the great feedback! Really impressive stats!
I’m especially happy to see the value the new dashboards are bringing to @bruno.freitas enterprise use case.

@RMiller, if you have any further questions or need help, feel free to reach out here anytime. And thank you so much for your kind words @RobertForster!



Amazing! I just learned a lot, items are called records, and having 5,000 records in an app is no issue at all with Tape. But more importantly, I want to thank everyone for all the incredible feedback. This community truly is fantastic!

After hearing that Sara is leaving Podio Sara Høeg Højlund-Rasmussen on LinkedIn: It has been 12 great years with Podio, RightSignature, ShareFile and… | 73 comments my decision has become so much clearer. From my perspective, Sara played the key role in maintaining Podio, and she supported us many times along the way. Wishing her all the best in her new role.

So, we’re already in the process of switching. @jacquelynmay , thank you for the note with your migration tool. We’ve already imported all our data via Excel (For future users, I recommend the tool because handling the relationships with the tool is probably faster) @leo, thanks for your message! Quick question: where should I send ‘Dashboard’ to get the 3 months for free?

Thanks again to everyone, and hopefully we’ll see each other more often here in the forum!