How to use Tape as a CMS with Webstudio

Hello Tape Community!

I want to collaborate with a tutorial on how to use Tape as a CMS (Content Management System) with an outstanding front-end app called Webstudio.

Basically, Tape will be your backend, while Webstudio will be your frontend. In the video below, I cover:

  • About Tape App and Webstudio
  • Setup Tape with a “Blog” App
  • Creating Webstudio dynamic Blog Page
  • Connecting Webstudio to Tape using Tape’s Developers API
  • Example of a working CMS website
  • Tape’s limitations as a CMS

Please note this is for advanced users. If you need help with what I covered in the tutorial, please add a comment below or message me via DM.



I knew you were working on this and I am still blown away! this is so useful, many thanks for sharing.


Hi @Luis,

what an incredibly great showcase and presentation in your video! :100:
I was deeply impressed by how clearly and engagingly you demonstrated using Tape as a CMS. Your tutorial is extremly valuable and especially helps experienced users make the most of our platform.

We truly appreciate the time and effort you put into creating this showcase. Your work greatly benefits the entire Tape community.

Thanks again for your outstanding contribution!



wow, thank you @Luis
Very simple to follow (although I’m certain it wasn’t so simple to figure out originally!)
Thank you for sharing this. One of those things that I don’t need everyday…but when the need does come up with a certain client request I’ll now have the confidence of how it can be done and I can follow your great instructions to make it happen.