🆕 Search - just find your content faster

The data from some organizations in Tape has grown a lot, so we wanted to improve the search.
The outcome isn’t just an update to the search - the new search could change how you work in Tape.

Searching for information within an organization can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, Tape’s new search can transform your experience.

In the world of digital productivity, uncovering hidden features can revolutionize your work. Tape’s new search, armed with its keyboard shortcuts and filters, becomes an indispensable feature.

Think of it as your organization’s search engine, allowing you to quickly navigate to the content you need.

:sparkles: Highlights:

  • The search has moved to the left-hand sidebar and can be opened anytime and anywhere. Just use (for Mac) or Ctrl (for Windows) + P
  • Search - typing a query starts a search. Exiting temporarily with the Escape key and returning retains the previous search query.
  • Faster results - on average 70%
  • Recent content navigation - the search displays a list of all recently accessed content, allowing you to quickly access frequently used content. This is a real time-saver; for example, you can reopen a record from a recently written comment.
  • Filter - Tape’s new search allows you to implement filters to pinpoint specific content categories. For instance, searching within a designated workspace like Human Resources ensures precise results.
  • Result highlighting - the search provides a preview, ensuring you don’t waste time accessing the wrong content.
  • Created & last edited timestamps - just hover over the search results to get more insights
  • Quick App navigation - enter the desired app’s name into the search window to open it
  • The search of database views, e.g., table view, has received major improvements as well to help you find your content even faster.

:wrench: We’ve added new filters to make searching quicker and more accurate:

  • sort by - best match, last modified or created
  • Created by
  • Workspaces
  • Apps
  • Date created or last modified

:keyboard: Search is now fully keyboard-friendly.
Remember this shortcut, as it will become your productivity ally:

  • Open: ⌘/ctrl + P
  • Use Tab to navigate
  • or to select
  • Press enter to open
  • ⌘/ctrl + press enter to open the result in a new tab
  • Press Esc to close the search

Dive into Tape’s new Search. Hopefully, you’ll love the smooth productivity boost it offers.

:bulb: For those who are currently active, simply make a refresh.


Wow!!! i just tested it and it looks incredible!!! the fact that you can search in one place and filter the app you want (instead of going to that app to search) is amazing!


I have just noticed a small UI issue, and that is when you select to search in a workspace, you can still select to search in any app you want. so you can choose to limit the search to the crm workspace for instance and choose the Invoices app from a different workspace (which will return no results)

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GREAT JOB! It works perfectly for me. What a surprise!

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Hi @shir and @Eric,

many many thanks for the great feedback!
Our goal was to create a completely new way to navigate through apps and records super fast.
For this goal a lot of time was spent on the loading strategy and merging of client and server data. For example, all apps a user has access to are preloaded so that they can be found instantly along with the most recently opened records. Only then is the merging with the data in the server performed.

@shir regarding your small UI issue, we actually already had it this way but then rebuilt it to keep it simple. In this way the filters in the search behave like filters in the views or automations and of course in this case you can get no results by merging mutually exclusive filters.
We have already tried the other way and here you would have to reset the app filter for example when the workspace filter is reset and the selected app is not in the new workspace or the other way around. In the end it is a tradeoff and in the many tests we have done the other way was often more confusing.
But nothing is set in stone and we will work with the community to make search better and better.

Cheers and thanks again


Truly amazing! Tape just gets better and better…


[CTRL]+P = print
Any chance we can change this to a different combo?


Just some feedback.
PS. I love the UX on the new search layout :clap:


[Command]-P has become my favorite for navigating through Tape in just a few hours! Great feature! :ok_hand:


Many thanks @1F2Ns and @Hans for the positive feedback,

@1F2Ns unfortunately keyboard shortcuts that are not used in the browser and are quickly accessible are harder to find than we thought.

For search shortcuts there is a close competition in productivity platforms between Ctrl + P and Ctrl + K. Ctrl + S is often used for saving, in Tape we use it within automations.

We have currently decided to use Ctrl + P because we assume that the print function is not such a frequently used operation that you need a shortcut for it instead of overriding the browser search function (Ctrl + K).

However, if we get more and more feedback from the community that we are making important use cases harder, we can always change on short notice.
Do you currently have a process where you regularly need the print function via keyboard shortcut?

Cheers and thank you for the feedback

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I assumed you put though into this already.

I have no use case :slightly_smiling_face:
Just wanted to share my feedback.

We use a product called ShareX for grabbing content.
But if we didn’t have it then we would often print/save pages to archive (mostly because of the audit changes in the comments section.)


if there is a thing that I think can make it better is to have a shortcut to it in the main screen.
I find that less experienced users rarely use keyboard shortcuts, and if the sidebar isn’t configured to stay open then its harder to get to it.
I would have the shortcut somewhere in the top right area (as a matter of fact even the Share feature is unlikely to be used anywhere near as the search is used)




I LOVE This. So powerful and works great on all my tests thus far.


Thank you very much for your amazing words @CarsonRedCliffLabs and many thanks @shir for the idea with the button in the top right area. That could be a real win, especially when the sidebar is closed.
We will collect the feeback from all users over the next few weeks and then evaluate the most frequently mentioned points and implement them in an upgrade.
