🆕 Action · Update record · Workflow Automation

We are delighted to announce that Tape and its automation editor now include the :sparkles: Update record :sparkles: action.


The action “Update record” allows you to update one record in a specified app when the automation runs successfully. One or more fields can be set to any text or a value from the previous step or both.

A simple use case

“When a project is created and if the status is “High priority” then create a subtask immediately.”

Some more insights

Tape’s checklist field is great for many purposes, and it’s a simple way to organize subtasks.
Learn more about the checklist field →

The action “Update record” is designed so that you can add an assignee to subtasks, delete tasks, complete tasks, or get tasks. Files can be added to a file field or deleted with this action as well.

Create automation using the action “Update record”

  • First automation block - Trigger - the “When this happens” automation statement

    • Choose a trigger, for example When a record is created
    • Set the trigger by selecting the app where the automation should be triggered
  • Second automation block - Filter - the “And if conditions are met” automation

    • Set your filter to start actions only if certain conditions are met:
      • A field to be evaluated, at the first dropdown menu
      • An operator at the second dropdown menu, i.e., Contains, Does not contain, Is not, etc.
      • A field value - enter the field value for the selected field from the first dropdown. Note that the operators e.g. “is empty” and “is not empty” do not require you to input a field value
  • Third automation block - Action - the “Then do that” automation statement

    • Click on + Add action and choose between various actions
    • Set up your action based on the action you’ve selected, like Update record in the simple example above
    • Click + Add field - every field type has its own row. Add as many as you like
    • Set up the action condition to create the new record:
      • A field to be evaluated, at the first dropdown menu
      • An operator at the second dropdown menu depends on the selected field type i.e., Set value, Set options, Set date, etc.
      • A field value - enter the field value for the selected field from the first dropdown
  • Click on Create automation at the top right

Edit and manage actions

The automation editor allows you to edit or manage actions and holds all the important details about your specific automation. To open the editor - click the card with the title of your automation at the gallery of the automation center. From this point, you can choose between various options. Learn more about →

New to workflow automation by Tape? Here’s a summary of what you need to know about automation.

To enable any type of automation, you’ll need to set up a trigger and one or more actions. Some automations also use filters.

  • A trigger is an event that starts an automation. The “When this happens” statement. For example, “When a status changes” Learn more about →
  • Filters are optional and start actions only if certain conditions are met. The “And if conditions are met” statement. For example, "only if the status changes to done" Learn more about →
  • An action is an event the automation performs automatically after it is triggered. The “Then do that” statement. For example, “then send an email to a customer” Learn more about →

Check out how to create an automation →